> Is there any scientists in climate science who doesn't believe humans are "natural" and AGW (by default) c

Is there any scientists in climate science who doesn't believe humans are "natural" and AGW (by default) c

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Ha! Ha! They can't think ahead. That is why they are called greenies, since they are green under the gills. And they are green with envy, too.

Here is how they figure.

Amoeba came, no problem.

Fish came, no problem.

Salamanders came, no problem.

Monkeys came, no problem.

Man came, BIG PROBLEM!

Why? Just why? Man is smarter, is that a problem? In reality, if being smart is a problem, then the greenies have no reason to be a problem. I guess it is only true scientists that are the problem.

Man plants trees, is that a problem?

Man takes care of animals, is that a problem.

Man gets so smart that he thinks he is smarter than God, or that there is no God. Don't you think that, that part is the real imbalance in that what is natural?

Quote by David Suzuki, celebrity scientist, alarmist extraordinaire: “All life on Earth is our kin. And in an act of generosity, our relatives create the four sacred elements for us.”..."We have become a force of nature...Not long ago, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, drought, forest fires, even earthquakes and volcanic explosions were accepted as "natural disasters or "acts of God." But now, we have joined God, powerful enough to influence these events."

And what does their High Priest have to say on this subject? Quote by Al Gore, former U.S. vice president, mega-millionaire, and large CO2 producer: "The fate of mankind, as well as religion, depends on the emergence of a new faith in the future. Armed with such a faith, we might find it possible to resanctify the earth."

Wow! Al Gore is going to resantify the earth! Doesn't that just send chills down your spine? Take the back seat God, if you are out there, and watch the Great Al Gore do something you only dreamed about. HE WILL SANCTIFY THE EARTH! Hallelujah! Just give all your money to him and bow down and give him complete obeisance to him and all the woes of the world will be solved! Man is the problem and a god/man will solve it, in the name of Al Gore etal.

zippi, "If we came from the apes, then why aren't you blaming them (for global warming) also? "

Really now, you are kidding.

Just for posting silliness.

And complaining about my posts. This is a sad effort.

Humans are quite 'natural'.

What they've done to the earth is not.

No one except numbskulls thinks humans evolved from apes.

As for being a hypocrite – if your physician was trained in western medicine then you are the biggest hypocrite. Medical science is only valid because evolution is true. If evolution is false, then western medicine is no different than Voodoo and physicians are no different than Witch Doctors.

You must have pretty weak faith to forsake your god like that, and place your trust in practitioners of evolution

You are really getting desperate to ask this kind of nonsense. Calling it "natural" doesn't change the problem or obviate the need to do something about it.

That is, unless you are so completely fatalistic that you feel that humans have no free will.

When we humans make alterations to the environment, like adding CO2, nature will respond and when those changes stop, find a new equilibrium. (I don't know why this is so difficult to understand.)

You might want to look up "human evolution" [1] and the habitat of tiger fish [2].

Sorry Zippi but this a stupid question, and does nothing towards answering questions about climate change, whether you are a theist, atheist, evolutionist or creationist, adds absolutely nothing to the question of is man-made climate change real and happening or not.

Ask Sagebrush and Madd Maxx.

If someone shoots you, the bullet is made from lead found in nature. So you die of natural causes.

Tide goes in, tide goes out. No one can explain that!

If we came from the apes, then why aren't you blaming them also?

It's a hypocritical argument that humans are causing problems in a place where they have "evolved" from. We could also blame the current overpopulation of Tiger Fish for the many problems it is causing in the oceans. Should we make an effort to communicate to them to "STOP THE MADNESS" they are creating in the oceans?

Should we also address the mass killings by other forms of natural genocide that destroy other parts of the ecosystem like billions of beetles who kill tens of thousands of trees? ... or Asian Carp who have taken over the once-balanced ecosystem of the Illinois River?