> Do the global warming whackos still hold to that myth?

Do the global warming whackos still hold to that myth?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The temperature can hold flat for 1000 years, and they will say global warming is continuing on the idea that we have now had 1010 of the warmest years on record in the last 1025 years.

Myths die hard. It's like the myth of a hell, or the myth that men are child molesters, or the myth that .08 BCA causes traffic accidents when 1.2 and above is the cause of 99% of all drunk driving deaths. It's like the myth that marijuana is a dangerous drug when it's less harmful than alcohol. It's like the myth that peyote is a dangerous drug, when it's really a medicine. It's like the myth that masturbation causes blindness, drinking coffee stunts your growth, and women don't like sex.

It's like the myth that names will never hurt me. It's like that myth that Hillary Clinton is a girl. It's like that myth that the Patterson video is a hoax. It's like the myth that going to college will lead to a rewarding, high paying career. It's like the myth that doctors are the supreme beings and should be trusted at all times. It's like the myth that a woman can split just as much firewood as a man and should be allowed in the NFL. It's like the myth that there really are men that wish they had a vagina and could have kids (they don't exist). It's like the myth that homosexuality is normal, even though only 2% of the animal population practices homosexuality. It's like the myth that men are the violent ones in the marriage, when women commit 40% of all the violent acts in marriage. Let us not forget the myth that a free market is the embodiment of all evil, when in fact it leads to more prosperity to everyone and less wars and genocide. Here's another myth.....you're parents are too busy and don't want to see you. Lies! Stop by and see them this Christmas.

Yes. I have two options ... believe the people we train, educate, and fund to study such things or believe anonymous bloggers on the interweb whose qualifications are questionable and whose education in climatology is suspect.

I still hold onto the 'myth' of global warming because that's what the scientists tell us they think is happening. If people disagree with their assessment, then publish your data, attend the conferences, give the talks, and do it scientifically. Persuade the experts and you'll persuade me. And hopefully the rest of the general public has a similar view.

You refer to the denialists and the myth that there is no global warming despite the evidence to the contrary of course

Not even the -135.8 F temps in antarctica that broke all records will convince the AGW cultists. The earth can turn into a damned ice ball and the AGW cultists will blame global warming. AGW is a mental disorder just like liberalism.

Yes, the whackos keep on denying global warming.

Yeah I am in my 4th year of undergrad Bioenvironmental degree.. everyclass all the time it is shoved down my throat with silly figures and charts that are bias it is nonsense.. profs are idiots really

Global Warming was turned off in 2012. Mike

Wrong the wackos are the skeptics who fail to see that AGW is real. They are brainwashed and controlled by the skeptic machine.

If it is such a myth, why is the planet warming

I don't get the impression you are looking for fact-based answers

They are wackos , saving all the gas for us

Well if you are brought up believing something, it is part of your life, and it is extremely difficult when confronted with opposing ideas and evidence and hard to accept them.

That is why many AGW disbelievers are over 50yrs old, we were not exposed to global warming propaganda when young.

like the laws of physics are a myth? try again when you complete your atmospheric science degrees.