> Two beautiful girls in the foggy climate!?

Two beautiful girls in the foggy climate!?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
is this correct or should I add extra words ? please help

climate is the wrong word. there is no such thing as a foggy climate. You need another adjective if you want to use the word foggy eg "foggy darkness". But foggy is kind of a clumsy word, misty looks better on the page IMO. If you want something to look good, read it out aloud. When words sound good together they read well also.

And you have the wrong category btw...

two beautiful girls are in the foggy climate with two handsome boys.

Two fetching girls in a foggy clime, it were as if the fog were caressing their every movement.

My heart pounds as I watched the two beautiful girls I love so much emerge from the fog.

It is very spartan. You could tell the reader where the position was located. 'The two beautiful girls were at home in the New England fog.'

is this correct or should I add extra words ? please help