> Is climate change a gender issue?

Is climate change a gender issue?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I don't think climate change is a gender issue. It is a scientific issue. Dealing with it is a scientific, economic and political issue. Gender roles don't really play a role aside from, on average, males more interested in science and females more interested in family. Of course those barriers are and have been being broken for quite some time now with both sexes delving into the others mode of thinking.

What the...??? How is it a gender issue if it has to do with children? And are you implying that everything that interests women is a gender issue? What???

As a female, no, I don't feel it's a "far away problem", it is a HUGE problem that we as a species need to deal with. I mean, we are certainly dealing with it more and more every day, but we could definitely stand to do it faster. Many people are holding us back with greed and denial.

Well then!!! I refuse to reproduce. if people want to not care and focus on day today issues let them die. I mean it's their right to be ignorant and trivial.

I keep saying this is a female issue. A mothers issue most of all, but if bitches wanna be trite tell me what's the solution even?

I don't care. I'm going to become a *****. Throw my girlcard into the garbage and do as many wild shocking controversial superb things I can in my life. With dogs and cats only. I don't give a rats *** if it makes ppl insecure anymore. Most people you look at them and you can just tell they care about nothing and want to die.


Go die

To a certain extent most women I know have little or no opinions on climate change one way or another, they are more concerned with day to day issues.

Contrary to common sense and many of the answers here, there are those who do consider it to be a gender issue. Here is one link from the many you will find if you use Google: http://www.mrfcj.org/our-work/womens-lea...

This highlights the discrepancy between what a reasonable might think and how the political classes enlist the help of existing organisations to further their own agendas.

Animals instinctively procreate.Humans choose.So far,not good decisions with so much global crises.Climate,population,pollution,pove... A lot of women see it as a non-immediate issue.Better education and transparency would help.

Professor Aaron McCright at Michigan State Uni analysed eight years worth of poll data to determine what, if any, differences existed between men and women when it came to climate change.

Some of the key findings of the report that was published in September were that women were somewhat more knowledgeable about the subject than men, they were less sceptical, more concerned and more in favour of taking action to address the issue. This reinforces the findings of a similar analysis conducted in Australia in June.



The results for men and women were generally fairly close so overall there’s not a vast difference.

Several studies have been conducted into how climate change impacts on men and women and they found that women are, and will continue to be, the hardest hit.


Climate change isn't a gender issue, it's a humanity issue.

no. climate affects all living things.

Or do people not really worry about it much when they think of their children?

Do women feel its a far away problem as offspring havers? I mean imagine mother bears Please elaborate, thanks