> Speech on global warming?

Speech on global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
i need a speech on global warming about 3.5 mins long for school

lots of great info here http://www.skepticalscience.com/

What is global warming? A threat to mankind? Absolutely!!! The threat to use global warming as a vehicle to create a fascist one world government is its only existence. I can't speak for you but we live in a world where the few control the many. A world where people are condemned simply because they are different. Why is that? What controls this? One day I was sitting at my desk and a thought came to my head. Why is it that I have never met a single person who wants to go to war? I don't know about you, have you met a person who wants war? Yet throughout history war is always happening? If the people run this world then why are we at war when no body wants it and in fact are very afraid of it? What controls this? Why is it that when someone looks at an idea and forms a different opinion on it, we condemn them and force them through condemnation to see that idea the same way everyone else, the majority, see it? How do we know the mass opinion is correct? It is an opinion, not truth. As the great man Ghandi said "even of the minority of one, the truth is the truth."

Why are the people so divided by race and religion? It is just a suit, we are all just vehicles for the consciousness to experience. Why is it that our education system does nothing to prepare us for the real world, figure out our potential future? How can an individual contribute to society when the education system forms everyone to learn the same thing? Those who succeed and can repeat the information back on a piece of paper get A's those who don't care for it and wish to express their creativety get bad grades, why? What makes the person who follows orders the better person for society? All these question lead to one answer. We are being controlled to go down this path, why? Why can't someone express their creativity and give that to society instead of being condemned to the point of following the leader? Yet people wonder why there is so much depression in the world.....you are never allowed to express your true self. This same force which controls humanity is the same force who controls global warming.

a 3.5 minute speech on global warming? That's a pretty heavy topic to cover in such a short time for some who doesn't know what global Warming is....

I would start by stating that Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming is a hoax. You can then talk about how there has been no warming for the past 17 years according to satellite data. You can then talk about how surface data has been adjusted multiple times to coll past temps and warm present one.

My Fellow Americans, fourscore and seven years ago, I had a dream. I asked not what my country could do for me, but what I could do for my country. Seventy years before I was even a gleam in my father's eye, my vision of the future was grim; all I could see before me was blood, sweat and tears, yet I envisioned peace...peace in our time. A voice spoke to me and said Eicht en Berliner, and a great society was born in my mind, and God spake and said, 'there you go again.' I then, even before my time on this wasted vale, said to myself, call Roto Rooter, that's the name and away goes trouble, down the drain. Because verily, I say unto you, it is two...two...two mints in one. The medium is the message. Et tu, Brutus? Oh, Popeye. I yam what I yam an' that's all what I yam. toot toot. Wherefore art thou? Raindrops on roses and...humhumhumhum bright yellow mittens, these are a few of my favorite things. I shall return.

((leave podium, come back in two minutes))

Thank kew. Thank kew very much.

Better be prepared by urself, then you are connected to it and strong.. so no prob at all

You should be able to drop this down to 3.5 minutes.


it is your responsibility to do your own schoolwork Have an adult help you with searching.


You had better start writing it then.

i need a speech on global warming about 3.5 mins long for school