> Regarding the Keystone Pipeline: The environmentalists won't get their way, but how much in energy and carbon will t

Regarding the Keystone Pipeline: The environmentalists won't get their way, but how much in energy and carbon will t

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I'd say that these hypocrites will welcome the pipeline in any direction they decide to go as long as they get a peace (tic). It would be hard to pass up the money these environmental "climate clowns" would get. Everybody knows you can't fight a war without financing. They will definitely be trying to get (at least) a bight from this pie and they're going to try and get as much as they can to fight their war on BIG OIL.

Carbon taxes are already being paid through fuel taxes. This is what these climate clowns don't seem to remember about taxes on oil. Government's "ease of movement" relies on fossil fuels (10 times more efficient than any other source IMO), but as long as other countries are moving forward with their (fossil fuels) use, Obama and the environmental climate clowns are getting their way in "devaluing" the U.S. stake in the world's economy. I believe that has been the plan all along.

This is even better proof of why Government-sponsored environmentalism is such a drag on people's lives in general. Without an inexpensive energy source (or the money to buy it) to move people around and "do" things, then people will become that much more impoverished and lack the enthusiasm to produce anything. More of a reason for Government-subsidies and Liberal-Government dependence. "Labor" is the cornerstone of our financial markets and the basis of any monetary system. If they have to ride a bike 10 miles to work, then the energy spent is less energy that can be used to be constructive. Financial ELITES (Rockefellers, Gores, Kennedys, Soros, etc ... and even the Koch brothers) only find ways of exploiting people's labor for their own financial gain.

There's no telling how much it will cost, but I doubt it matters to these clowns as long as they get theirs and they will keep crying for their "free" money (to save the world) without having to actually work for it.

Carbon taxes are already being paid through fuel taxes. This is what these climate clowns don't seem to remember about taxes on oil. Government's "ease of movement" relies on fossil fuels (10 times more efficient than any other source IMO), but as long as other countries are moving forward with their (fossil fuels) use, Obama and the environmental climate clowns are getting their way in "devaluing" the U.S. stake in the world's economy. I believe that has been the plan all along.

This is even better proof of why Government-sponsored environmentalism is such a drag on people's lives in general. Without an inexpensive energy source (or the money to buy it) to move people around and "do" things, then people will become that much more impoverished and lack the enthusiasm to produce anythin

It won't cost us a thing except for a whole lot of good, high paying construction jobs. The oil will be loaded on to tankers and shipped around the world, including the gulf state refineries.

Canada is sitting on 168 billion barrels of oil. You really can't expect them to leave it in the ground.

If those people hate pipelines so much, why don't they stop driving? Keystone XL won't stop people from using transit or bicycles or from installing wind turbines or solar panels. Stopping Keystone XL won't force people to drive electric cars. If Keystone XL isn't built, they will just get the oil transported by other means


or from other sources


Hard to say exactly how many U.S. jobs & taxes for the U.S. government will be lost.

But since the new plan is to completely bypass the U.S.& pipeline 500,000 barrels a day directly to the Canadian west coast & ship it to Chinese oil refinery's, at least it wont go to waste.


While ecofreaks & politicians waste time flapping their lips in D.C., the world continues to turn.

I wouldn't be surprised if it gets shipped to Europe, they used have rules restricting buying tar sand oil, but they have recently amended them, looks like they are getting nervous on relying on Putin for their energy.

Believers really don't care. For them, the less energy people have, the better they think life is for us. This is the 21st century Luddite movement where until we all go back living in caves, they will never be happy.

Since when is it America's duty to help Canada export mud and tar?

why bother explaining science to conservatives who refuse to believe 2000 of the world's best scientists (IPCC), u ppl are brainwashed with idiocy beyond any hope. Just keep telling yourself the world is 6000 years old and god did it

explain why the usa needs this pipeline when the oil is shipped to china via texas
