> Do you believe that Global Warming is natural or that humans are the main cause of it?

Do you believe that Global Warming is natural or that humans are the main cause of it?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I am not a scientist and I have not spent days and nights pouring over data from opposing arguments but you asked for a "belief," which could be based upon anything real or imagined; accurate and scientifically considered or a simple fear. This implication may not have been your intention so I will take it back a step.

I look at causes of trouble. We once had a common expression that referenced "all the fish in the sea" as an analogy for an "endless number." The problem with vast numbers is that they can be reduced to 0 by simply subtracting another endless number. And so we are finding that stocks of fish are being depleted from the vast oceans. If our vast numbers can do this to the oceans what will we do to our air?

To the middle ages mind the sea's bounty was endless while human population was constantly decimated by wars, famine and disease. Largely conquering these has seen human population rise to over 7 billion worldwide.

We consider our air an endless resource, a dumping ground. Using yesterday's models the world's air can serve as a dumping ground for two or three large industrial nations with problems, but China and India are proving that using the same technologies the air cannot sustain 4 to 6 such nations.

Using some markers the US air quality has improved over the last 20 years but the world's air has steadily declined in that time. Just how much pollution can the world sustain before the effect on climate is measurable. If one "natural" Volcano can change the world's climate how much more likely is it that man made pollution can have similar effects. And so I would expect global cooling from increased man made particulate matter. I would not be surprised if this skews the results of man made greenhouse gases in the same atmosphere.

The end result is that it is extremely likely to the point of certainty that man made activities have an effect on the environment. It would be wise to understand and react to discovered changes. Denying change exists in the hope that no action will be taken is foolish, stupid and unwise.

Will mistakes be made? This is also quite certain but pouncing on any mistake as a reason for abolishing any effort is also foolish, stupid and unwise.

Global warming (and cooling) has occurred entirely naturally for over 4.5 billion years. Anyone disagree?

The AGWers claim that recent warming is manmade but they don't claim that all of it is manmade. Conveniently, they don't say exactly how much of the current warming is manmade. They also can't explain why it has paused for 18 years, either.

So it may be that some of the recent warming could be manmade but some of the warming is certainly natural and, presumably, all of any cooling is natural?

The actual extent of any warming is clouded by the fact that the guardians of the data adjust it and the adjustments comprise most of the warming.

The attribution to man is based on doing clever things with carbon isotope ratios that assume that nothing in nature has changed. For instance, how do they correct for any change in the ratio of C2 to C4 plants?

MTRStudent claims to be a PhD climate scientist then quotes the Cook et al 97% paper, SkS (Cook the cartoonist again) and wikipedia. Surely, something more authoritative could have been expected. Wiki quotes many societies who have expressed a point of view. That is argumentum ad vericundiam and was known to be a flawed line of argument by Archimedes. I would feel more disposed to believe them if they had bothered to canvass the opinions of their members but not many have.

Global Warming (capitalized) is a scam and this has been proven many times over.

However, global warming (non-capitalized) is just a matter of nature's cycles.


0.87 degrees in 353 years is and has been proven to be in the realm of being natural. The earth has been hotter and the earth has been colder.

Plus the fact that no one has come close to prove that man has enough power to affect the earth's climate or temperature.

Joseph the Second: Where exactly is all this climate change you have seen? Are you seeing things? I have lived on this Earth over 73 years and people are still plowing and harvesting the same as when I was born. If there was a change in climate that surely would not be the case. Which weed is it that you smoke to see all these many changes. Please enlighten us!

I believe that what is global warming is raising in the temperatures every day and uneven climate changes. This is because of human actions and humans are creating more and more pollution and damaging our nature by cutting trees etc.. these are the reasons for global warming. So these all activities are done by humans. Global Warming is that humans are the main cause of it.

Global Warming is NATURAL, we never had much warming to begin with. The small amount we experienced over the last several decades was not even statically significant. It's peaked around the year 1998 at about 0.8°C above normal and we are now less than half of that. The world is cooling, not warming.

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.

Humans are the main cause of it. Engine search Global Warming and read the articles They are extremely interesting and educating. Fossil burning fuels, which the United States, China, and Europe depend on, are a reason to be concerned. For the future of the planet Earth, animals, and humans.

We use techniques called fingerprinting to identify what is causing global warming. The fingerprints show that most of the recent warming is man-made.


This is why the consensus in scientific research is about 97% that most of the recent global warming is man-made:


And why the world's science academies and groups like the American Geophysical Union say that it's man-made:


My new research project uses satellites to help calculate how big global warming will be. During my physics degree and climate science PhD, I read hundreds of scientific studies on this question. The evidence is overwhelming.

You'll notice that the skeptics, armed with the same sets of data, can't agree on what it means. Some have said that the planet is warming but it's natural. Others have said it was warming but it wasn't statistically significant. And some have argued that the planet is cooling. That's warming, staying constant, and cooling. All depending on the skeptic you choose to listen to.

It is a fact that we dig up fossil fuels and burn them. It is a fact that burning them produces CO2 and other gases. It is a fact that CO2 is a greenhouse gas that prevents energy absorbed and re-emitted by the earth's surface from being released back into space. So, what the scientists are saying is that, since we now pump about 1000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere every second, and we've been pumping billions of tonnes every year, and we've been pumping hundreds of billions of tonnes over the past century, all that additional CO2 is trapping additional heat. That, to me, makes sense. I don't see how you can magically pump hundreds of billions of tonnes of a gas we know traps heat and suddenly expect it to have no detectable impact. What? Does CO2 just vanish? Does energy just magically go missing?

No one is claiming that our planet's climate isn't affect by natural variations. No one denies the role of the sun. What the scientists are saying is that we've added an additional factor - a gas we know traps heat in massive quantities - and we continue to add it, second after second. That additional factor is going to shift the baseline. It'll be slightly warmer than it would have been had we not pumped the gases into the sky. That, to me, seems entirely consistent and logical.

So I think the planet is warming. I think it's pretty clear we're responsible. What the skeptics are effectively arguing is that it is possible to pump hundreds of billions of tonnes of gases we know trap heat into the atmosphere but has no impact on our planet. That, to me, sounds more like wishful thinking than anything else.

Our planet is naturally a lot warmer than it is now. We are technically in an ice age. For the last half billion years, which is about as long as there has been life on land, the average global temperature has been about 8-10 degrees higher than it is today. We do live on a hothouse planet we've just had a cold spell this last 50,000 years but sooner or later the planet will get warmer again.

I believe that Global Warming is Humans fault

Ignore the denailist nonsense. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.


They have no response to these links other than ad homs.

It wasn't that long ago that many were in denial about it though all the evidence was there. In fact, the evidence of global warming has been with us since the early 1960's and can be found in text books at high school libraries, unless they destroyed the books by now.

Global warming is present most part due to the level of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. By the looks of the past century, our civilization has had a huge industrial growth, meaning more usage of fossil fuels to power machines. Of course, these fossil fuels emit carbon dioxide when burned, so there should be a clear picture that we are most definitely creating our own problem of global warming.

Mainly natural causes, of course man has had some impact on the climate but not much, I have seen many changes in climate too in my 68yrs, but then the climate has always changed, the Roman period the Medieval period, the little ice age, at the moment it definitely does not look like warming, averages temperatures have not risen for many years, and global ice extent is back to average levels.

I agree that global warming is human fault because global warming is caused due to the harmful gasses that comes out from industries, factories and vehicles.

Top scientists have had consistent conclusions for over twenty years that the unusually rapid global climate change of the past century has been mostly human-caused, and for the past 10 years nearly all indications are that this is likely to have significantly negative long term consequences for the global economy. Fossil Fuel companies have often denied this science and Republican politicians in the U.S. have been adamant lately in espousing such anti-science denial. A range of anti-science con artists, pretending to be the "other side" of a scientific "debate" on whether anthropogenic climate change is a serious long term issue, are prevalent on-line. At Yahoo Answers there is no penalty for giving deliberately false answers, and the site is loaded with deniers-in-training trying to copy-paste such deception. Indeed four of the nine "Top Answerers" in the category "global warming" are hard-core anti-science serial liars. It is advisable to do your own homework on this subject. Here are some links:

U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 2010:


“Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems.”


“Choices made now about carbon dioxide emissions reductions will affect climate change impacts experienced not just over the next few decades but also in coming centuries and millennia…Because CO2 in the atmosphere is long lived, it can effectively lock the Earth and future generations into a range of impacts, some of which could become very severe.”


“The Academy membership is composed of approximately 2,100 members and 380 foreign associates, of whom nearly 200 have won Nobel Prizes.

Members and foreign associates of the Academy are elected in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research; election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a scientist or engineer.”








For more on the denial of science, see "Sources" below

The Earth was never warm before Humans or so the environmentalists believe!

I'm pretty Certain it's Human Caused. There have just been TOO MANY Climate Changes in My Lifetime ( of 61 Years )- to account for Them- ANY Other Way... :(

From what I have seen, there is not enough unbiased information to conclude that humans are the main cause. This does not mean that it isn't true, just that there is not enough credible data.

My belief is that science did it, from scientist traveling to the moon taking moon rock it messed up the way the earths different temperatures are worldwide the moon's purpose is to cool down and work with the waves by messing with its true nature it messed everything up

humans are the main cause, we brought so many unnatural things into this world that have effected so many aspects that have to do with global warming. we are killing ourselves.

lots of unnatural actions by human causes global threats



that we are the main cause of it do to over use of harmful products

I believe it is predominantly a natural phenomenon.

Humans are the cause. We cut down the forests, burn fossil fuels and ruthlessly waste energy.

"Belief" -- mine, yours or anyone's -- is irrelevant. The scientific evidence proves global warming is largely due to human activity. There is no "debate."

After reading all of this data (without much success of understanding much of it) I find my eyes are tired ..

What was the question ? YAwn *.*
