> Does anyone still believe in the Global Warming Hoax?

Does anyone still believe in the Global Warming Hoax?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Careful all that ranting will cause you to pop a blood vessel.

Lots of references to Gore (not by name) and liberals

So science is a little to much for you to grasp






As for your main rant (which has nothing to do with AGW) Gore did in fact put forward the legislation that made the internet what it is today, sorry to say that is a documented fact you can look it up in the Congresses online database. Personally I don't even like Gore but after seeing this claim dozens of times from uninformed deniers I went looking and found quotes from the two engineers who created the bare bones of the original internet and they give Gore solid praise for his work, the Internet as we use it now is nothing like the Internet of the early 90's, I was using that, and it was little more than basic text email and sending a picture was as encoded binary files, nothing at all like the service we use now, that grew directly out of the performance enhancements of Gore's Bill.

I mean you could try to deny that bill existed but then, here it is


Which includes the out of context use of the claim you are trying to make

Thank you for providing yet another fine example of the way deniers simply make up information

Nice site, but the webmaster needs to update his links.

Yes, there are a lot of people who still believe in Global Warming being a serious problem: "... according to the poll of 22,812 people in 22 countries including Britain and the US ... 49 per cent of people now consider climate change a very serious issue" -- http://frontpagemag.com/2013/dgreenfield...

I see you are a Yank. So, perhaps it would be more interesting to you that "The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 25% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Americans are selfish for putting their economic concerns ahead of the fight against global warming" -- http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_c...

The report goes on to say that 43% of Yanks think that the main cause of global warming is human activity. 40% think that energy legislation is likely to reduce global warming, and 51% did not say that they would not be unwilling to pay more to fight Global Warming.

As for published papers, 45% of papers published between 2004 and 2008 as listed in the "ISI Web of Science database", "explicitly endorsed anthropogenic climate change" while only 6% disagree outright. http://oss.sagepub.com/content/33/11/147...

According to the same paper, among Engineers and Scientists in the petroleum industry:

- 99.4% agree the climate is changing.

- 36% strongly believe that "it is not a normal cycle of nature, and humans are the main or central cause." They agree with whatever the IPCC says.

- 5% don't know why the climate is changing, or what the effects will be, but believe that we should regulate carbon emissions to be on the safe side.

- 24% believe that natural drivers are causing climate change, and humans cannot change that.

- 17% say it is both humans and natural drivers, but it is just a small "public risk with little impact on their personal life."

- 10% don't know why the climate is changing, but does not pose "any significant public risk and see no impact on their personal life."

Note that rounding errors make this 102%.

1 in 4 meteorologists agree that "humans are primarily responsible for recent global warming", and "19 percent agree with the claim, 'Global climate models are reliable in their projection for a warming of the planet.'" -- http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-arti...

65% of the meteorologists would not go along with calling Global Warming a "scam". I doubt that the word Hoax would fare any better.

As for whether or not it actually has warmed, here is a graph of the temperature anomalies from all 4 plotted together, and offset adjusted so that the anomaly is zero for 1979 (The year satellite monitoring began.) for each data set: http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/gistemp...

It seems to have warmed about 0.6 K since 1850.

There are however, many hoaxes associated with the notion of Global Warming.

- The radioactive oceans we have http://enenews.com/wp-content/uploads/20...

courtesy of the Kyoto Protocol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyoto_Proto...

which set such stringent carbon emission limits, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kyoto_...

it virtually mandated going nuclear, http://www.humanosphere.org/2011/10/land...

and keeping old reactors getting too dangerous to operate open anyway [1] as supposedly not as bad as the extra global warming [2] that supposedly would happen if we did not accept this. [3]

- The idea that reducing our food supply by violently stealing land from farmers to grow forest instead, is justified by the Global Warming Crisis. [4]

@Ian: Perhaps you meant 14 years of flat temperatures. [5]

99% of normal intelligent people don't believe but there's still a few cranks that twitter nonsense about the subject, but like you say it's been years since they even had a real dog in the fight.

I'm sure most people don't actually believe in catastrophic anthropgenic global warming as much as they used to. I think the majority of the alarmists, at least on Y/A, fell for they hype years ago and feel a bit duped for being so gullible. No one wants to look like an idiot, so they grasp at straws and try to convince themselves that they were right all along.

Temps are BELOW Hansen's scenario C prediction


http://www.savage-productions.com/debunk... ???

FFS.......crank central

The crazed concoction and the mad, demonic rantings of that liberal lunatic who also claimed to have invented the Internet. He went around, in essence, claiming that "the sky if falling," like the cartoon character, Chicken Little.

Does anyone actually continue to believe in it, after it has been debunked by so many prominent scientists?
