> 3 arguments that support ocean acidification?

3 arguments that support ocean acidification?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Also, 3 that don't. Need this for an essay for chem class. PLEASE HELP. It'd be highly appreciated. (:

A group from the Univ. of Chicago, led by Dr. Timothy Wootton, did a study at Tatoosh Island (just off the Puget Sound, northwest tip of Washington, see woottonlab link) from 2000-2008. From their data, I make several (you should read it and make your own) observations:

1. The ocean's average varies on a daily basis 0.24 pH.

2. In the course of a year, pH varies over a full point. It depends on temperature as well as ocean currents, upwelling, rains, sewage disposal, etc.

3. At the end of the study, pH was headed back up. Since that time it may have reversed the decline documented in the study. Acceleration rate, up or down, depends on the time sample.

This study is a snapshot, but it gives a little better perspective. There have been relatively few actual studies done on ocean pH. This one is cited as the first in waters outside the tropics. Dr. Wootton is quoted: "the changes we see in the dynamics of the ecosystem may magnify over time. Further studies needed".

Well Co2 turns to carbonic acid in the oceans, so yes increased Co2 will contribute to some acidification how much is not sure.

A little known fact is container ships tend to use high sulphur fuel when out at sea (no environmental laws on the oceans) sulphur turns to sulphuric acid which is a much stronger acid than carbonic.

Also volcanoes (and underwater volcanoes) spew out vast amounts of Co2 and So2.

Increased acidification will make it harder for marine life that uses calcium (corals shellfish some plankton) to form calcium structures.

Natural rainfall tends to erode land and rocks and add calcium which neutralizes acid.

I'm not sure what you mean by "arguments that support ocean acidification". Do you mean arguments that support the claim that it is or isn't happening? Arguments that suggest it will or won't be harmful? Your question is unclear.

well i don't know what to tell you.

Also, 3 that don't. Need this for an essay for chem class. PLEASE HELP. It'd be highly appreciated. (: