> Whats happening to antarctic ice?

Whats happening to antarctic ice?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'm pretty sure Hey Doofus said that if you close your eyes and repeat "Antarctic sea ice extent is NOT at record levels...Antarctic sea ice extent is NOT at record levels..." it somehow makes it true.

There would be increased albedo but not sure how much.


"what will the effect on earths albedo be?" I think there's probably only a small difference in the global radiation budget... But that's a subtly different question. The albedo will change, but the increase in heat reflected to space will be small due to the lower angle of incidence.

It will probably be the same effect as it is every year.. Summer, ice melts, Winter Ice reforms. it is a 12 month cycle..

the ice is warming because our atmosphere has lots of C02 do to pollution that humans produce.

C02 is actually increasing every year so you should expect lots of climate change and heat rising.

if this continues (ice melting) the water in the sea can rise higher maybe flooding some cities.

AS u know all ice is melting and it will result in increase in sea level and at last it will result in shortage of water.. Its a long relation but you can google it..

It's caused by global warming, no sorry, Hey Dork has said there's no such thing.

The global average is not uniform across the whole globe.


It looks like antarctic ice has finished with it's summer melt and is now going to increase again, http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/images/daily_images/S_timeseries.png

It's still at record ice extent levels, what will the effect on earths albedo be?