> How can I raise awareness of global warming?

How can I raise awareness of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Stuff like flyers leaflets anything else to raise money and how to advertise the event?

Event? Global Warming is not an "event". It is a long process that has been going off and on since the end of the Little Ice Age. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_acros...

Why not put on a debate? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...

Perhaps you could do some green energy project like build a windmill. http://www.prlog.org/10261692-how-to-bui...

Perhaps you could look up old predictions based on global warming, http://appinsys.com/globalwarming/GW_Tem...

and show how they did or did not come true. http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/12/3...

Edit @Abdullah Mohammed: "Call people to plant tree as much as they can; it help to solve global warming problem..."

You might want to rethink that strategy. Trees tend to warm the earth. http://www.biodiversity.ru/programs/ecos...

This is mostly due to the increase in albedo. [1] A more minor effect in the increased greenhouse effect due to transpiration (mostly at night when it counts most). [2] The H2O released during transpiration is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2, especially since there is very little light in the absorption bands of CO2 still escaping Earth's atmosphere. [3]

Trying to sequester CO2 by planting trees is like trying to empty the Pacific with a tea cup. The tiny amount of CO2 sequestered by trees pales next to the out gassing that the oceans do when their surface temperatures rise only a few centikelvins. [4] This is due to the reduced solubility of CO2 in water as the water warms. [5]

Even so, it is difficult to understand why people are so concerned about the current levels of atmospheric CO2 when they are not any greater than they were back in the 1940s. [6]

Still, despite my objections, your idea is better than any proposed by governments or NGOs so far, and more likely to be good for the environment than any of the other proposals.

“I am ashamed of what climate science has become today.” [The science] “community is

relying on an inadequate model to blame CO2 and innocent citizens for global

warming in order to generate funding and to gain attention. If this is what ‘science’

has become today, I, as a scientist, am ashamed.”

―Research Chemist William C. Gilbert

“The dysfunctional nature of the climate sciences is nothing short of a scandal.

Science is too important for our society to be misused in the way it has been done

within the Climate Science Community.” The global warming establishment “has

actively suppressed research results presented by researchers that do not comply with

the dogma of the IPCC.”

―Swedish Climatologist Dr. Hans Jelbring of the Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics Unit at Stockholm University.

My skepticism about AGW arises from the fact that as a physicist who has worked in closely related areas, I know how poor the underlying science is. In effect the scientific method has been abandoned in this field.”

―Atmospheric Physicist Dr. John Reid

The most important thing is to do your research. The meat industry is impacting global warming and has passed off transportation emissions. Thats scary. And all the above morons just don't want to admit their meat eating is impacting the Earth. Good, I'll live to see the Earth change when our governments wake up and finally DO something about it , they wont.

questions like this amaze me the earth goes through a cooling period and then a warming period and has done for millions of years to say that man through pollution is causing global warming is some thing that al gore brought up to gain votes in a presidential election it has since proved to be a load of nonsense ok now let me give you some recent facts the volcanic eruption that stopped the worlds airlines from flying for 5 days was equated as being equal to the whole worlds rubbish collected for one year from every country in the world so what happened our earth cleaned itself in 5 days back to normal global warming takes thousands of years to take place it is a gradual process that man himself would not notice in actual fact it has been predicted that we are heading for a mini ice age first before you get a global warming I would use your money for raising money for charity before you waste it on something you cannot control and it will happen anyway ok.

Yes, cut down trees to make flyers to warn people about something that really isn't a problem.

Ah, the hypocrisy of alarmists. It will never cease.

Call people to plant tree as much as they can; it help to solve global warming problem and help people financially which make people interested about it.

Learn to lie convincingly just like all the rest of them.

Perhaps you could hold a celebratory festival to generate some buzz and excitement for the event. Be sure to invite me ;)

Write "be cooler" in melting chunks of icebergs, then turn the 'c' up and declare a day off.

Join the BBC. They have a special policy on reporting global warm...sorry climate change.

Stuff like flyers leaflets anything else to raise money and how to advertise the event?

It is all over newspapers, magazines, television, if people are not aware now they never will be.

But before you can raise awareness, find out if it is true first, do not just listen to silly unproven propaganda go do some research, find out the facts.

There probably isn't much you can do that Al Gore hasn't already...

Anyway, global warming is part of a natural, 100,000 year cycle of Earth's climate, in which greenhouse gases play only a tiny role. So why raise awareness of it?

We should raise awareness of pollution of our environment and depletion of natural resources instead, IMO.

Banksy was a hit, you could be too. Do the shiz he did, the unexpected is the best.


Awareness is not the issue. It's apathy.

Just lie a lot. Or maybe make a movie with a bunch of garbage in it like Al Gore did.

participate in social awareness campaigns.

social awareness campaigns.

They changed the name to climate change when people noticed there wasn't warming. In short if it exists, it is not caused by man