> Would this finally dispel any thoughts that the Antarctic ice is still shrinking?

Would this finally dispel any thoughts that the Antarctic ice is still shrinking?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I hear that volume is still decreasing stuff all of the time. I don't buy it. I don't think they can actually measure the sea ice volume for the entirety of Antartica. I think they are just spouting nonsense.

It the same thing with "OK, this isn’t what we expected, now how can we explain it?"

Explain it? Explain it? Alright, this is science. I get it. This is exactly how science works. Observation and experimentation.

My problem is that the information being fed to the public is of CERTAINTY. If you are looking for an explanation, then you are back at the first stage. You have to find an explanation, test the explanation and make sure your results match your expectation BEFORE you start bandying around your "certainty".


I read both of them. I saw a tremendous amount of guessing and "might"s. I did not see anything that spoke about the ability to determine volume.

To me, this sounds like guessing as to why they are not seeing what they expected to see. Fine. Guess away. That is part of science. But the other part is checking your guess with experimentation and observation. That is the part that is lacking. That is the part you need in order to say definitively that volume is decreasing. You warmers are saying definitively that volume is decreasing, when you don't know that it is. Even the warming they mention is from the deep sea. The deep sea warming from AGW is VERY minimal, especially given the timeframes it takes to warm the deep seas. 20-30 years ain't agonna do it.

From the link

"Sea ice surrounding Antarctica."

Raisin Caine

Read linlyons' links.

Not land ice.

Oh, gee, how many times are you going to ask the same question?

Post the same link?

And be told that that additional sea ice indicates global warming, not cooling.



Linlyons Additional ice means global warming, are you REAL, explain how global warming can melt and add freshwater, when the temperature is 50 below freezing.

Usual denialist lies. Try the truth for a change


you must be a slow learner. volume is still decreasing. one year is not climate.

Breitbart? The right-wing propaganda organ? Lol!
