> How long will it take these quick witted environmentalists to realize that the Antarctic ice is expanding?

How long will it take these quick witted environmentalists to realize that the Antarctic ice is expanding?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Don't you get it? If the ice is expanding, it's because of global warming. If it's shrinking, that's because of global warming. And the ice on the land is melting even though temps are always below -40 degs. And that's because of global warming. Why can't you believe?

Where Antarctic temperatures are consistently many degrees below freezing, a one or two degree increase in temperature may actually increase Antarctic ice, since evaporation from offshore and precipitation will also be greater.

This was pointed out in Australia at least a decade ago. Unfortunately the news does not seem to have got across to Yankeeland, where the population seem to imagine that Mr A Gore invented global warming and seem to have taken refuge in persistent and deliberate lying to each other.

Until the gravimetric satellite data shows that Antarctic ice mass is growing. Don't hold your breath.

How can we have melting land ice when the temperature is 50 below zero, please explain that to me Linlyons.

That link says a large portion Antarctic ice, that is an outright lie, the Thwaites glacier and that part of West Antarctic is just a tiny percentage.

Speaking of quick witted ...



Yes, one does wonder sometimes.

Antarctic sea ice is expanding.

Antarctic land ice is melting.


surface. not volume. and there is a difference between land and sea ice.



Ha! Ha! I guess having to be rescued at McMurdo Bay a couple of years ago didn't get their attention. And getting stuck during their 'expedition' last year didn't seem to phase them. Is there any doubt as to who catches on the slowest?