> How many Global Warming Deaths does the United States record annually?

How many Global Warming Deaths does the United States record annually?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global warming and global cooling are real. The earth has warmed and cooled many times. But MAN MADE global warming has NEVER been proven. Just a theory with very little evidence. I believe it is called a syllogism. A=B, B=C, therefore A=C. God is love, love is blind, therefore God is blind.

Man made global warming:

Carbon dioxide causes global warming

Man makes carbon dioxide

Man causes global warming

That is all the real evidence that man causes global warming. Have you seen the computer models of future global temps? There are more than 400% difference between them. This CAN NOT be taken seriously.

The global warming extremists are scientific illiterates. The scientific community was taken out of the dark ages with the advent of the scientific method:

1. Make an observation

2. Ask a question

3. Form a hypothesis

4. Conduct experiments

5. If the experiments show the hypothesis as true, publish results so others can recreate them

The global warming people have never completed #5. They have a hypothesis, but none of their experiments show true (unless they leave out data - remember the "hockey stick effect?).

But they STILL expect us to change everything on conjecture.

They do not know history either. In about 1350 the earth cooled in what is know as The Little Ice Age. Can you imagine the famine that would be caused by global cooling???? Dont forget the Black Death that occurred at about that time. Where the two related? Don't know, but who needs evidence? The global warming people dont. The "Little Ice Age" ended about 1850. So the earth has been warming since. I guess them darned ol' cowboys must have caused it feeding their horses too much fodder that caused the horses to fart too much.

There is also evidence that the earth is cooling again. But just as they did with the hockey stick data, they will just pretend it does not exist.

Took me a minute to see figure out the 'big gulp' lol Too funny

The total number of Global Warming deaths both direct and indirect in the United States are averaging 0.0 per year.

However, Wind Farms are slaughtering 360,000 birds a year including endangered species. So, they got that going for them.

Atheism, evolution and Democrats? You were home-schooled, weren't you? I am afraid that your lack of scientific training has left you vulnerable to propaganda, in this instance, from Big Energy. Global warming does not cause deaths directly. However, the resulting storms do.

I am a scientists who believes that evolution by natural selection is certainly real and significant or harmful warming from our CO2 is certainly absent. I also suspect there are more lives saved from any warming because cold causes more deaths than warming.

Oh I get it. Very funny. Was that big gulp guy real? It actually looks like my former brother in law who lives in Texas but he isn't that old. It does look like he is just there to enjoy the show. He's got Ruby's gun aimed right at him (through Oswald) so you would think he might show some more concern.

Since there is no way to lnk any weather phenomenon to global warming, there is equally no way to attribute any redsulting deaths from such weather events to global warming.

None but that is not gong to stop 0bama and his pen from making deals with the ChiComs. Did you see the latest deal... China will cut back in emissions beginning in '2030 if we start to double down on our emissions today... Good deal.

Instead of saying global warming is based on atheism and evolution, as it is not, why not just say that global warming is science and you do not accept science? You would pretty similar to other people in the global warming section that think as you do who claim to be 'true scientists'


A lot more than the deaths from WMDs in Iraq.

Just how does AGW depend on atheism and evolution?

Obama goes to China and signs a meaningless Secret Global Warming Scare Treaty with China, who is now laughing at this embarrassment from the declining Democrat Party

I have never believed in Global Warming, since this lie is based on atheism, evolution and last weeks voted out Democrat Party.


1963 - 7/11 introduces the first Big Gulp Drink in Dallas Texas during a heated engagement where a...

Democrat shoots a Democrat for shooting a Democrat

you denying global warming does not mean it is not happpening . just for full discloure , how much of your porfolio is in oil and coal stocks ?

Total BS.