> Are science deniers "born not made"?

Are science deniers "born not made"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Science denial is generally a product of science illiteracy and illiteracy is either a failure to learn, a lack of learning opportunities, or learning lies - so "born not made" - probably a little of both.

I tried to get here sooner, but a couple of answers to kano's repeated version demanded my immediate attention.

Both. I’m sure that Sagebrush’s and Maxx’s brains were doomed at birth and never had a real chance. Ottawa Mike sometimes (although less so more recently) seems uncomfortable in his Denier Skin – as if his brain wants to run faster than he is comfortable with. I think the borderline-pathological lying behavior is related mostly to acceptance of a primitive belief system where Good and Evil are mutually exclusive real forces in a real cosmic war where Good can only do good – and only the Good can know the “True” truth - and, so, the Good never lie..


FSM --

>>Science deniers do not deny all science. For example generally they accept that they have to finish the antibiotics, yet deny evolution.<<

Yeah, but they can – and do – deny and not-deny the same science at the same time.

Creationists trust medical science and physicians trained in medical science with their health and lives even though, like every life science, medical science collapses if evolution is false.


Plogsties ---

>>They are made by obtaining enough of an education is science and its methods to be able to seperate the wheat from the chaff, something that the general public cannot do.<<

Oh yeah? Do you have enough science education to explain why “Does God exist?” is not a valid scientific question or explain the concept of knowledge in the epistemology of science?

'Science deniers' are the symptomatic result of a 'belief infection'!

'Beliefs' are an infection of the imagination, the ego!

The parts of the brain that would be able to think efficiently and critically are destroyed by the 'belief infection'!

It leaves cognitive ability like swiss cheese! Every 'belief' is a 'black hole' in cognition.

Beliefs are symptomatic and irrational.

People are not born with the infection, it is deliberately given to us by those already infected.

In that sense, they art 'made'!

Like the flu virus 'makes' us symptomatic!

The funny thing is that the idiot science deniers are all such hypocrites, using the fruits of science to stay alive and to share their foolish symptomatic 'beliefs'...

All human beings are born into this world, but belief and disbelief are choices the one must make as they acquire the capacity to make such choices. Many factors influence these decisions, but being born isn't one of them. Whether you like it or not, you have the freedom to choose what you believe or disbelieve in.

I think that all of us, regardless of our position on AGW, are a product of our genes and environment. In my view, it is the genetic factor which is the stronger. So the simple answer is that they are born, as are science acceptors.

Of the womb. I'm open to the idea of a person factory but so far I've not been a witness to one,

Science deniers do not deny all science. For example generally they accept that they have to finish the antibiotics, yet deny evolution. They accept that CO2 in the atmosphere will cause the earth to retain more heat but deny AGW. However willful ignorance so prevalent in religious conservatism is not limited to religious conservatism, for example more then a few liberals will deny their children vaccines... [1]

Right now we have deniers of Ebola in Liberia attacking the aid workers sent there to help them. I can't help but draw parallels to the subject of the warming planet, both cases involve fear and ignorance.

They are made by obtaining enough of an education is science and its methods to be able to seperate the wheat from the chaff, something that the general public cannot do.

Let's find out

not anymore than they are born christian or republicans. they learn. foxnews is a fine education.