> What 2 Factors Affect Toronto's Climate?

What 2 Factors Affect Toronto's Climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Climate in Canada, Climate in Ontario.

Alternatively, climate yesterday, climate day before yesterday

Solar activity (sunspots) and geologic activity (volcano's/earthquakes). These are the two major factors that probably produce more than 99% of climate variation. There are probably several hundreds contributing factors working along with these two major ones of which Co2 is the least contributing of them all.

only one factor NATURE, since Global Warming ended last year and all season's have returned to normal naturally. Oh and the environment had nothing to do with Global Warming. Mike

Proximity to Lake Ontario and summer moisture content as far away sources like the Gulf of Mexico also factor in.

Rob Ford still being mayor and the embarrassment of Canada

Factors of x and factors of 2(x+y)..!!