> How is global warming going to be after world war 3?

How is global warming going to be after world war 3?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I can tell you that I hardly ever agree with you and think most of your conspiracy stuff is BS and has poor support in terms of credible sites.

That being said, I too am for freedom of speech. I only ever report 2 types of people.

1.) When people make suicide notes here, I report the people who insult, belittle and dare the people to commit suicide. SERIOUSLY??? What kind of sicko cares so little about human life that they would do that?

2.) People who use excessive profanity, ... and I mean excessive.

You do neither of these things. Further, I see no reason to insult you, as you have not insulted me. Generally speaking, you do not insult, do not curse excessively, and you are expressing your view. There is no reason to report you at all. In fact, while I think you are wrong, there is a chance (small chance in my mind) that you are right. I don't like to be wrong, but being wrong AND blocking the opinion of someone who is right, that would be MUCH worse.


As far as WW3, I think we are closer than we were at any time since the Cuban Missle Crisis. We have Putin with the potential of trying to take over much of the old USSR. In the meantime, many of the old soviet block countries still have nuclear weapons. If they feel threatened, they may use them. At the same time. the Middle East is about to boil over. While our news reports on Miley Cyrus or whatever crap passes for news to them, Syria is a serious concern. If the rebels Obama wanted to support take power, there is SERIOUS concern that they may attack Israel.



Seriously, those rebels are crazy and HATE Israel. Russia has a naval base in Syria and are accusing the US of derailing peace talks between the rebels and the current Syrian regime. China has interests in the ME as well. Any spark and the major world powers will all get involved.

If that happens, you will have REAL climate change. Not this crap 0.8 degrees over 100 years that the warmers chirp about.


Further, as far as people laughing at you and calling you names, don't worry about it. Seriously, as much as I don't believe your conspiracy stuff, I do think you are a decent person, and that alone puts you as better than the majority of people.


I am not certain I would say Israel was formed by extremists, especially when compared to the other nations in the same location. While much of the world might find the founding of a coutnry based upon a religion to be odd, that is just standard practice in the ME and in the ME, Israel seems like Mr. Rogers.


As opposed to doing so because of a belief in manifest destiny??? Or any other reason given throughout history??? Beyond the fact that the entire Ottoman empire take over of that region was fueled by religion, and its not like the people in the Middle East became less religious over time. ANd when quoting me, you might want to note my "especially when compared to the other nations in the same location". That is certainly an important qualifier in this statement.


You may be right about people controlling us. There is certainly the perceived need to keep people in fear to rule them. But I am still not sure about them working well together, let alone in a conspiratorial manner. I searched some of the things you asked me to query. You can certainly show that these figures meet, but what they say and their actions due to the meetings is FAR less defensible.

Gary F: Wrong again. A lot what Billy says is undeniably true. You on the other hand it is just the opposite.

In direct answer to the question: The way things are going once this scam comes to fruition, via WWIII, it will be a mute issue and another scam will take its place.

Quote from the UN's Own "Agenda 21": "Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level."

That new scam will be reorientation for humanity's own good. Ha! Ha! We all have heard that one!

After WW3 I know I will not be around, nor do I think I would want to be around during. As what will happen to the climates wikipedia is your friend. [1]

I agree with Raisin Caine somewhat, I have only reported one person and only when he advocated genocide (and when I did report, I reported it to both YA and the FBI)

As for Israel, it is useful (but unpopular) to point out that Israel was founded by religious extremist who illegally migrated to a nation in order to establish a religious nation. [2] I am not advocating reversing the establishment of Israel, just trying to point out the history in order to understand why people oppose Israel. (Although some fruitcakes will claim I hate Israel because I do remember how and why Israel was founded)

It would be better if we can deal with these countries using some international tribunal then fight them using tax dollars in order to "protect our interests" Although without enforcement any nation which is militarily, economically and politically strong enough would simply ignore any such ruling anyway. [3]

As for Russia, they will do as they please, the US nor Europe have any reason to intervene and another group of people is oppressed....


@ Raisin Caine "I am not certain I would say Israel was formed by extremists..." Migrating to a country and expelling the population at gun point, because of a claim in their holy book that said the land was promised to them by YHVH, is "religious extremism". Just because there are other examples of religious extremism, that doesn't make the founding of Israel or it expansion any more justifiable then it's distruction.

There won't be any global warming after ww3.

We've already used up all of the fossil fuel that's easy to get.

We won't be able to get any more.

And AGW will be gone.

So will our technological society, since there'll be no electricity.

We'll spend the remainder of our existence, essentially in the stone age.

However, you can request that your vaporized answer be restored.

That's not news.

It's true that it rarely happens, but it has worked for me a few times.

On the other hand, if you posted an Illuminati answer to a global warming question,

I rather expect that it's unlikely.

You'd be hard pressed to make a reviewer think that you really did address the question.

You know, that's not a bad song title.

My money is on Sagebrush ratting you out. He's sniffing a Top-5 ranking in GW and you are cramping his style.

If when society rebuilds, it goes back to using hydrocarbons, rather than directly to the post hydrocarbon era, global warming will resume.

Instead of worrying about WWIII, you should get some medication that works

be careful what you wish for

A dirty snowball.

BTW ALL I am being censored by YA! No doubt. I have had two answers, not questions, but answers vaporized BOTH the asker gave me best answer. How on earth can YA! deduct me for a violation if a BA! was given? The asker gave me best answer on both. Looks like I'm going to loose another account simply for expressing my opinion on opinionated questions. Unbelievable......so ridiculous and unfair. I get a lot of ridicule and I take it well. I'm not the type to get over emotional, we all lose our cool here and there. However I try to be forward. There are people here far more vulgar and rude then I and we all "rant" or add details.

Either YA! is out for me


Some people think my TRUTH is hurting their cause.

The last one seems unlikely because most deniers and supporters laugh at me and call me names. I never ever report anyone because I am all about freedom of speech.