> Why do people say another ice age will happen in the future?

Why do people say another ice age will happen in the future?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The truth is another ice age will not happen because of global warming. The ice is melting so an ice age cant happen. The temperature rise is too rapid.

no ice age will happen with the current concentration of greenhouse gases. It's a case of deniers trying to deflect attention.

Yes we will get another "ice age" You have to remember that the carbon we are putting into the atmosphere was at one point already in the atmosphere. I'm not saying that we aren't damaging our atmosphere, but there was a time in earth's history that there was no ice at all. There was also a time when the whole planet was completely frozen. It's part of a cycle that we, admittedly may be speeding up.

Even if the next ice age were to come right on schedule, it would take many thousands of years to have a big effect. The jury is out as to whether the cooling will actually resume when the hydrocarbon age ends. But it is true that at least for our life times, the next ice age is not a threat; global warming is.

Ice ages are caused by changes in the shape of the earth's orbit.

The next one, if it does happen, is still thousands of years away.

There are 2 types of people who make that claim.

1. People who look at the past and ignore the, probably temporary, aberration that is happening today.

2. People who deny global warming and claim that it's currently cooling.

It's not reasonable to look at what we're doing to the climate today, and think that it won't change in the next few thousand years.

It's also not reasonable to look at what we're doing to the atmosphere today and think that there won't be any effects at all in the coming decades.

People say all sorts of things and one postulation is the shutdown of the Gulf stream. Which as theory has it could lead to a mini ice age. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shutdown_of...

I just wouldn't worry about it, most Doomsday predictions are actually doing the opposite.

Unless a meteorite explodes Earth, there will be another ice age

The earth has been much warmer in the past and will be in the future. Ice ages have happened many times in the past and will happen again in the future.

They all want to sound smart and think that they matter. Think like this...we are going to all die within 150 years. It would take thousands of years. Even if it does happen when we are alive, who cares?

Well you have got it all wrong, the temperature has gone up 0.8C in the last 150yrs (I don't think that is fast) Global ice this year is above average http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/...

In fact since 2001 temperatures have cooled slightly http://woodfortrees.org/graph/hadcrut3gl...

Earths climate depends on the sun, CO2 has little effect

because they are stupid

The truth is another ice age will not happen because of global warming. The ice is melting so an ice age cant happen. The temperature rise is too rapid.