> Is there big money in advocating man made Global Warming?

Is there big money in advocating man made Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Just look at the massive money that these con artists make from the AGW scam.

Yes, there is a lot of money to be made.

The trick is to realise that money-making does not have to be based on a business success. Also, as a business person you need to know when to play the Global Warming card and when to play the business card.

Think of Solyndra. The US tax payer lost a lot of money on that. Consider it as a thermodynamic model. RIng fence the system and measure the money inputs and outputs. The GW card was played, the business was created and the cash injected. Then it failed. Where is the money now? People running the business would have received large, non-returnable, salaries. There are other ways to cream off cash if you are creative.

Think of Big Al: Lucrative non-profit jobs, non-executive directorships, advising governments, $100,000 speeches, business interests, carbon trading ... . Most industries require a "segregation of duties". That is the person creating the vendor or the purchase order etc cannot then approve and pay the invoice. This is to try and pevent people making up fictitious vendors that, strangely, have the same bank account as yourself, then paying company money into it. The same with Personnel systems. You usually cannot increase your own salary!

In the GW world you can run courses to indoctrinate the willing, make films to propagandise children, use political influence to sway governments and then create businesses to benefit. You can then do your bit for the community by, reluctantly, agreeing to be a major (ie highly paid) player in a number of "non-profits". Some of these non-profits will be lobbying groups whose main purpose is to increase GW funding in some way and thus the loop is closed.

Big Al is by no means the only or biggest player. I hate to become all "Billy" on you but has anyone researched Maurice Strong or the Club of Rome? UN, IPCC, World Bank etc. Some names keep recurring. One is a famous US president. Links extend to the Tides Foundation and the Joyce Foundation, to Enron, Goldmann-Sachs, Big Al etc. The bit parts are played by the donors to political parties. How many of the "failed" but tax-payer funded businesses have connections to Democratic sponsors, for instance?

We laugh at the less developed countries because they are sometimes run by corrupt politicians who cream off any aid sent in their direction. The same characters exist in the West as well. They just play by more sophisticated rules.

Once you have a system with a $1 billion per day sloshing around, the odd millionaire here and there is unnoticeable. Many claiming to help with the GW problem are not true believers. They will drop GW as soon as they spot a more lucrative opportunity.

EDIT: Funding Note. According to Greenpeace, the Kochs have contributed $67,042,064 in total since 1997 to about 55 organizations. Roughly, $76,000 per organization per year. The full $67,042,064 would not fund the accomodation for the 50,000 attendees at the 17 day Copenhagen climate summit - never mind the registration fees and plane tickets.

The Hewlett Foundation gave the Energy Foundation (a sustainable energy organisation in SF) $6,000,000 in one year. That is nearly two orders of magnitude bigger than a typical Koch grant.


Stubby, That funding you mention is going to conservative think tanks that deal with more issues that AGW. But it does entertain me that you bring this up. The Koch brother decide to spend their money on calming the assinine fear-mongering spread by warmers like yourself. Billions are being spent by our gov't for this scare-mongering propaganda.

You warmers just want to have your cake after you have eaten it. You want to talk about millions spent by a private party while ignoring your billions by the gubmint. LOL. TOO FUNNY.

BTW, it is not the Koch Brothers making people not believe the AGW hype. It is all of the garbage that you warmers spread around. When we are told snow is going to be a rare event and we see snow, guess who looks foolish. When we are told the streets are going to flood and they don't, guess who looks foolish.

You warmers only have yourselves to blame. If you would spend half as much time corecting the people talking about some apocalyptic future as you do try to convince "deniers" that a linear regression line on the past warming mean exponential warming in the future, you might not have so many problems.

Hell yes, the maintenance on Windmill Farms alone is unreal and makes the cost astronomical. Lot of money to be made there, because once you have suckered someone into the initial outlay, they have to keep it going. It is like Ink Jet printers, more money in the Ink than the hardware.

Yes, the fossil fuel industry is gaining trillions of dollars in future profits, by advocating continued global warming due to continued global addiction to its carbon-based fuels. They advocate this by duping nitwits like you into thinking that the science on global warming is unclear or false.


'Not Just the Koch Brothers: New Drexel Study Reveals Funders Behind the denial effort. '

"Dark Money" Funds Climate Change Denial Effort http://www.scientificamerican.com/articl...

The big money is in denialism. Gina Reinhart has deep pockets

Funny how the warmers fail to mention how much money big government spends on big climate. Hypocrites.

But for the question look no further than Reverend AlGore.

Wow you are getting more current. Now you think an article from Nov 2010 is news

There is way more money in the oil industry which is why they try so hard to convince people that it isn't real.


Just look at the massive money that these con artists make from the AGW scam.


Michael Mann has made plenty.