> Do you think climate change is man-made or natural?

Do you think climate change is man-made or natural?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Personally i think it's natural because CO2 forms about 0.037% of the atmosphere. I won't go into detail but what's your opinion?

Natural. Man doesn't have enough power to change the climate. The climate has been changing for centuries.

I agree with your observation that CO2 is a trace atmospheric gas, actually 0.0399% now. On the basis of this I believe you are not real. How could a trace gas possibly support all the plant growth in the world and all the animal life on top of that? The fiction is that this trace gas created biological residue that fills your grocery cart each week. Every bit of carbon in your breakfast, lunch and dinner was a part of that trace atmospheric gas within the last year or two (or twelve years if you bought good scotch.) How can this be?

The biosphere is a hoax.

Well if you don't buy that, I guess I must confess that it is a scientific fact that man made global warming is a scientific fact. We are moving over 8.5 billion tonnes of carbon out of the earth's crust each year as fossil fuel. The burning of this 8.5 billion tonnes of carbon resulting in over 31 billion tonnes of CO2 being dumped into the atmosphere each year (that's more than 1 million kilograms per second). This CO2 is out of place. No longer buried in the earth's crust the carbon, as CO2, is now in the atmosphere enhancing the greenhouse effect or in the oceans increasing the acidity. All man made.

Climate change is real and natural. Consider that 3000 years ago Detroit was under a glacier which left us the great lakes when it retreated. We had been emerging from the last ice age for some time until warming stopped in 2000. The hypothesis of man contributing to any climate change has not been proven and likely it will take many decades to do so given the slow pace and variety of factors involved. In short there is no definitive answer to your question. Those that claim man made global warming is real are "believers" with no scientific proof at this point. They may or may not be proven correct in a distant future.

It's totally natural and driven by the Sun, not human activity.

The world has been both much warmer and much cooler than it is today. Climate scientists have admitted that there has been no statistically significant warming.

If you want to know why we've had a little warming over the last several decades, just look at this graph of solar activity going all the way back to the year 1611.


If you want all the details as to why man-made Global Warming is a hoax, then watch these and see what the world's top skeptical scientists have to say.

The Great Global Warming Swindle


"I won't go into detail" translation: because I don't have any

These set piece questions are getting pretty predictable, even quoting the same out of date figure for Co2 (0.037%) as Ritchie always did (again hmmm) (0.037 in fact would be back around 2003)

The current number is 0.0395% and given that all greenhouse gases make up just 1% of the atmosphere a pretty shallow denier trick to try and claim, when Co2 makes up 3.95% of greenhouse gases, the majority of which is water vapor, but Co2 is actually several times stronger than water vapor in effect, which is why talk of the effect scares deniers and they only want to try and compare it by volume to the entire atmosphere to make it sound less important, that denier still use such nonsense, which would not fool the average high school student, shows the level they seem to be operating at.

My opinion remains unchanged, deniers need to take some science classes to stop making fools of themselves.

Definitely caused by humans.

Yes, climate change is natural to some degree, but there is plenty of proof (as I'm sure others have cited) which show that its caused by humans. I took an environmental biology course which reviewed this and they explain it quite well. I would suggest forming your opinion after getting all the facts.

I don't believe that the "tax" idea is enough motivation to push forward a whole movement on climate change. Climate change is inconvenient for everyone. I love the convenience of diving my car, using plastic bags, and eating whatever food products, but I know that for the sake of my own mental well-being and for the sake of the planet and every living being on it, I would rather avoid those things. I would rather be "safe than sorry", and not be the person who will say "oops. I guess you guys were right. shitty it's too late"

Whether climate change is real or not, I still believe that humans are threatening the well being of the planet - and therefore themselves. Money and Things have become top priority for people and it's gone out of control. It's like exploiting and selling everything you value so that you can have something imaginary in return (ex: pride, status). Whether climate change is real or not, humans need to change their gluttonous ways for their own sake.

The argument that climate change is not real has much more motivation through money. Think of all the people who will lose their income when people stop using cars and buying toxic chemicals? Our whole society is built on oil. There are a lot of people who's best interest is to support this argument so they can keep their cash-flow.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


Oh! You wanted my opinion? I just gave you facts.

And greenhouse gases, most of which are directly dependent on temperature and are regarded as a feedback and will always be, consist of less than 1% of the atmosphere but keep us 33C warmer than we would be otherwise on average. This is fact. This is based on measured data. This is based on measurements of the solar constant and the differences in temperatures between our distance from the Sun and that solar constant and our real world temperatures. CO2 is actually the second most concentrated greenhouse gas and the first most concentrated that has the capability of being a direct forcing. So despite what you think or what any of other other nonsense others in here think based purely on your misunderstanding and ignorance humans can have effects on the climate. And anthropogenic global warming is a reality.

Global Climate Change is real and the science supports it

97% of all climatologists agree that the current acceleration of GW is caused by humans http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/20...


The 10 warmest years on record out of the last 132 years have been since 1998

So when you hear the moronic DA deniers spewing the no warming in 15, 16 or 17 years you can be assured it is a lie

Even the MET whose info this was based on accused the author of this sh*t of misrepresentation of their data the same day the article came out the first time

Deniers don't care if what they spew is true

It could hit 0.04% this May or June if not next year, but hey, we know that CO2 by itself can't raise temperatures by more than a degree or so, AGW relies on positive feedback's none of which have shown up yet.

I think we are altering our climate by heat islands and land use, and what about the energy we use, consider you run an SUV, most of the gas used is converted ultimately into heat, forget the CO2. same with coal fired power stations from coal to electric at your home is at best 28% efficient, what happened to the 72% lost why it ends up as waste heat, and the 28% probably causes heat too, even renewables produce waste heat.

However I think natural causes are far and away the major influence on climate.

climate change is man made or natural so that all movement of thing to be relating to the man so climate is changing by man

Personally i think it's natural because CO2 forms about 0.037% of the atmosphere. I won't go into detail but what's your opinion?

Climate Change is a natural process. Once we had all the seasons at proper time .. I mean .. december - its winter- march, april- its summer... and so on. ... But now ,.. the climates of earth are being influenced by man's activities on it...... Now we have rain in december... burning heat in summer.... also sunny climate during the june july time ... these all are caused due to the destruction of natural balance ... these can be prevented by reducing pollution problems... mainly......

It's natural, because it's always been in existence since the dawn of man!

Thank you for the thumbs down tosspots!

Feeling better now?

I think climate change is natural.

I think it is a bit of each

I believe that forest fires are BOTH man-made and natural, and however upset you may still be about your grades in science classes, I would not recommend drinking a glass of water with .037% cyanide.

Natural - it's only the tree huggers that think we are making a significant contribution to it.

Natural, if we are speeding up the process is it an insignificant amount.

We are not harming our planet as much as some people make us believe. It's all about the taxes.

Anyone unbiased and sane would have to agree with you.