> Is Global Warming really just an attack on capitalism?

Is Global Warming really just an attack on capitalism?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Alarmist Naomi Klein attacks capitalism.


Mindless consumption? Does she mean Al Gore hopping on his Jet and flying halfway around the world to give a fifteen minute speech? Does she mean President Obama flying off on one of his many vacations? Of course not. It is just the peons she expects to alter their lifestyle.

Quote by Maurice Strong, a wealthy elitist and primary power behind UN throne, and large CO2 producer: "Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable."

Do you think dear old Maurice is going to give up his lifestyle to save the earth? Of course not that is just for the 'middle class' (his words not mine).

That dear little delusional girl is apparently unaware that she is leading the whole earth down a path of no return. When has communism benefited anyone except for a few ground floor privileged people. Yet we see that she is following the drumbeat of tyrants.

Quote by Gus Hall, former leader of the Communist Party USA: "Human society cannot basically stop the destruction of the environment under capitalism. Socialism is the only structure that makes it possible."

Then when these evil people get control they have dire consequences for the 'masses' or peons or common people like you and me in store.

Quote from the UN's Own "Agenda 21": "Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level."

They are not unclear as to their intended goal. And what if you refuse to be re-oriented? Is some UN backed ISIS fellow with a butcher knife going to attack your throat in front of a camera to prove who is boss. There will be no turning back as history has proven.

Yes GW is a direct assault on humanity and capitalism.

Quote by Maurice Strong, a billionaire elitist, primary power behind UN throne, and large CO2 producer: “Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?”

They make no bones about it. They pull no punches. They are out against any free enterprize.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

Redistribution of wealth is a main tenet of communism. Of course when these con artists are 'redistributing' the wealth they take the lion's share. but no one is supposed to notice.

Yes Global warming is really just an attack on capitalism.

The green house gas that is blamed for global warming is CO2. CO2 is exhaled from the lungs with every breath mammals take. CO2 is in every soft drink in the world. With out CO2, plants, and algae would die.

But the global warming crowd wants everyone to think CO2 is a dangerous industrial pollutant. And in some cases it could be a dangerous pollutant, but the AGW portion of the gas is very small compared to natural sources such as volcanoes, and forest fires, and natural decay.

Since when is it an attack of capitalism. The 3 R's of Reduce the amount you consume, Reuse what can be reused, and Recycle what you cannot do the first two - has been made into RECYCLE (the only one mentioned) (with manufacturers putting "use before dates" on products. >This was never done before< When does vinegar go bad? Since when is there a due date on salt and sugar?

. Manufacturers have gotten on the RECYCLE WAGON "BIG TIME" because it is forcing people to buy NEW "when there was nothing wrong with the old stuff" More consumerism means more profits for the corporations.

So long as people continue to buy, everything is going good.

"So Long that you "Forget the first 2 (reduce and reuse-which were mentioned first as they do the most to reduce pollution) it does not hurt corporations one bit. In fact telling you there is a due date on water is a bit much(seeing it has been around for a couple billion years) There is a due date on your toothpaste...and sexual toys. That is a subtle way to enforce consumerism to a grander scale.

Besides, all inventions are done in garages and in basements. This is the time for new inventions. Are you not up to the challenge? It will be a new product that we all need for some inane reason. You could be the one who invents it. What is being attacked is the "old way of doing things"...nothing else.

It can be made into that....and you know damn well as i that it is only natural for us to capitalize on that misfortune if so.

When our mutal well being is indeed again a prime tsrget to capitalize upon, the top hat wont seem so incongrously silly.i

Global warming is NOT, I repeat NOT an issue of politics. What should be done about it is, but the science of the climate is NOT.

No. Just a recognition that with a "Tragedy of the Commons" we have to rein it in a little.

No, only some capitalists are nervous about it

why do you think the Koch Bros are crapping their pants?


What a blithering jewel of colossal ignorance. I am guessing this idiot is one of the biggest consumers out there but it all about controlling others. I really have no tolerance for these sorts of people who our fathers fought and died to protect us from.

If you want to live in the Yukon, don't expect me to pay for shoring up your house. Which animals are those you are referring too anyway CG, unicorns?

She is just another melon,green on the outside red all the way through,communists when their agenda failed instead of giving up ,move into envirornmentantalism to promote their ideology instead .

She is just another melon, green on the outside red all the way through, communists when their agenda failed instead of giving up, moved into enviromentantalism to promote their ideaology instead.

Alarmist Naomi Klein attacks capitalism.


Yes She admited on Democracy Now the commie show .

yes. global warming is a hoax.


I live in the Yukon, and paid $5000 to shore up my house, that was sinking into the melting Permafrost.

Climate change is real here, and very visible. We see deer now, and natives are hunting animals they don't even have names for, as they've never been this far north before.

Climate change is happening. 98% of atmospheric scientists agree - and it is being caused in large part by human activity.

Her message might be too complicated for you to grasp. You should just go back to "it's a conspiracy." You'll still sound like an idiot, but at least people will think you are an idiot because you are crazy rather than you talk nonsense because you are too dumb to understand someone else's argument.

no, denying it is
