> Do the greenies out there know what 'blocking' is on this site?

Do the greenies out there know what 'blocking' is on this site?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Frankly, I wouldn't mind if YA blocked Dook if they are going to continue to allow him to block anyone that disagrees with him/her. When was the last time he had something insightful or new to say.

I've never known you to say anything that is correct, and you do make up stuff about people, but I think you do that because you think it is funny.

However, I do respect you for not hiding your questions and answers, which is more than can be said for most people on this site. In your case it might actually work out better for you if you hid them. And you have never blocked me, while Maxx, Cyclops, Dr Jello all do.

It's when people like Madd Maxx know that "warmers" are winning the argument, so they block people to avoid having truthful answers to their questions.

I don't know why Hey Dook blocks so many people. When someone responds to one of my questions with a dumb response, I just don't award them ten points.

You are right, SageB (about the non-blocking, not about your backwards comment on sanity). I mixed up you with Kano. Can't imagine why. But meanwhile, he, or one of your other anti-science buddies here, has vaporized my "accusation," as you call it, anyway. But go ahead and use this to give one more BA to a denier. At least this question is not completely bogus and ignorant like most of yours. I don't know why your last 88 or so BAs aren't registered; but YA never did make much sense even before they replaced the computer program running it with a random number Monte Carlo routine.

I block Hey Dook mainly because it p!sses me off when he answers my questions with a page full of copy-pasted links, I would accept HIS opinion or explanation with an odd link or two, but not the **** he usually posts, also I would block Maxx for the same reason if he filled up his answer to me with his usual page full of copy-pasted video's fortunately he doesn't do it when answering me.

Hey Dook,

You can't complain about not getting a BA from someone you blocked. On one of my question I was actually going to give you BA, but I can't. You have me blocked, so when you answer my questions, YA will not allow me to give you BA.

The same mindless rants by the believers get tired after awhile. They offer no proof so-called "global warming" is happening, just that you should accept their beliefs. It gets tiring....

I have been accused of blocking the Dorkster by the Dorkster himself.

I have no reason to block it from this site since it is ridiculously inane. It helps the sane people's cause on this site immensely.