> Are there any national exampes of conflicts, prosperity, and change?

Are there any national exampes of conflicts, prosperity, and change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Help for homework.. and I cant find anything on the internet please help

You can start with the pilgrims, work your way up through the revolution, the depression and end with the invasion of Iraq and the near financial market meltdown of 2007-2008.

Type in Second-World countries, Third-World Countries, First-World Countries and start reading. Specifically, Iraq/Iran are good examples. The oil industry led to prosperity. North Korea is another good example of conflict since a small number of the population is prosperous while the rest is in turmoil and starvation. I am unsure of everything I said but trust me when I say, look up what I'm saying and you will see what I said is what one may say in such a saying.


You can't find anything on the Internet relating to, conflicts, prosperity or change? Really?

Try searching for "war"... see if there's perhaps something on that.

Look up Zimbabwe. It used to be Rhodesia and the bread basket of Africa. Now people are starving and the treasury is down to $216. That is right $216. That is what communism will do for you.

Help for homework.. and I cant find anything on the internet please help