> I feel as if the world is going to end soon?

I feel as if the world is going to end soon?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Death and murder happen all the time, the population will reach its max point at 9 billion (your grand-childs lifetime). Solar Radiation already is poring in the atmosphere, (always had always will, but there is more then their used to be, but not enough to harm you like nuclear radiation). The earth had a magnetic field that protects us from solar flares and the ozone ripping apart (thats impossible, though they are thinning).

You are not alone in protecting the environment! There are millions and more of us! We meet at health food stores, and organic gluten-free vegan raw restaurants, and volunteering organizations. There are also clubs with like-minded people at meetup.com We are out there. Not on T.V commercials though. Or at regular fast food restaurants.

I sometimes share that same fear and do my best to prevent it, Ghandi said be the change you wish to see in the world. I wont drive a car, I use public transportation or car-pool and do many other eco things like the ones you said and more. We do make a impact. A vary big one. I believe everyone should do their part. But I'll do mine, even if not everyone does (yet).

Anyways I have a backup plan just incase, (and many of us do to) because we both know the rest of society might not change in time. So buy a home water distiller, two rain barrels, and store food, medical supplies, tent and camping stuff, and buy yourself solar panels or wind turbines and try to live off the grid. Thats my goal I'm saving towards. Eventually I'll plant edible fruit trees in my back yard, and get a green house. I'll grow sprouts and other things and maybe learn how to farm algae. Use Hydroponics because one person can grow more with them in a eco-friendly way, but remember to grow organically.

Even if chaos doesn't come though and is prevented in time, Its better for the environment and these will save us money anyway, and I'd love fruit trees in my yard.

"Rising toxins in the air"

In general, this kills the very young, the old, the infirm.

"tension with other countries, and even the small things like mass shootings in the U.S."

Both of these have been going on for all of recorded history, if not shootings, then warriors entering essentially kindergartens, and slaughtering the children of rival nations.

"... sickness from overpopulation"

This is the one you can control. You and your friends... try not to propagate, say 1 in 10 is OK.

"holes in the Ozone ... radiation ... pouring into our atmosphere."

... which comes back to overpopulation, and how Nature will correct this for us, if we cannot control ourselves.

"I feel like out of the 7 billion people on earth, only a micro percentage of people actually do something about the environment."

... and yet that is all you can control, what you do. Do that. Speak to that. Live life on purpose. Statistically or in any other way, you can change no one else. But you can be a pillar.

Obviously you are quite young.

There is very little someone like me who has been around awhile can do to change your mind.

In fact pollution is down from where it was a couple decades ago.

There is no need to worry. Those people that are trying to scare you don't know what they are talking about. The only thing you really need to be scared of is believing their tripe. These bozos have been around forever pretending they were prophets declaring the world is coming to an end. The world would be a far better place if these bozos were simply ignored.

The rumor back in the day was supposed to be that the world was going to end 100 years after Rome was built.

People have been claiming the world would soon end has been going on for literally thousands of years. Don't worry, nothing's going to happen.

Whoa! First, take a deep breath. Now realize that the Earth is a very big mass. Changes take place very slowly. The worst problem I see right now is that we are going to run out of oil soon, probably in your lifetime, maybe even in mine. When this happens, CO2 production will drop dramatically. We will have to shift to a locally grown food economy. We will adapt to it.

Oh yea the world is ending but its not cause of any of the things you said

It's tyranny killing everyone so it can rule the world

A new royalty like never seen before will take over and it will be the cruelest of them all!

Every day I go to school and see on T.V. that the world seems to be coming to a close. Rising toxins in the air, tension with other countries, and even the small things like mass shootings in the U.S.

I feel as if my generation will die a terrible death due to sickness from overpopulation, or the holes in the Ozone being expanded to the point where radiation from the sun is literally pouring into our atmosphere.

I ask myself what can I do to help the environment, and I come to conclusions such as recycling, reusing, taking shorter showers, etc. But then I realize what the heck does this do? I feel like out of the 7 billion people on earth, only a micro percentage of people actually do something about the environment.

I recently watched a show on the Science Channel? called: Earth, 2100. I mean to tell you that show freaked me out! They showed that in 100 years Las Vegas will be a ghost town due to the water shortage from the Colorado River. It also showed that people will have to wear gas masks whenever they walk outside. I don't want my life to be like that! They also expect the population to triple by the time 2050 comes around. What does that mean for all of our resources? We will be short on water and food.

I'm sorry if I made anybody uncomfortable when reading this. I just started thinking about this topic and I have not been able to make any good out of it, or shake it out of my mind for the past week.

Any words of advice? I really don't have anyone to talk to about this subject.