> Are scientific predictions made by fossil fuel industry front propaganda groups more accurate than predictions made by s

Are scientific predictions made by fossil fuel industry front propaganda groups more accurate than predictions made by s

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Only according to the fossil fuel industry front propaganda groups.

AGW theorists began predicting, about a third of a century ago, near term catastrophic climate change if drastic sacrifices were not made. The so called or actual fossil fuel front groups said the need for such drastic sacrifices was unproven. The drastic sacrifices were not made and the near term catastrophic climate change did not occur. What more could anyone want?

However wrong the AGW supporters might be, they do raise a valid point. Since we don't know if there are consequences to our adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, caution suggests we examine ways of removing the carbon should we wish to. And Iron fertilization would be incredibly cheap, quick and easy.


(Short version: iron is not very soluble in ocean water and is commonly a deficient nutrient there. Adding iron causes microscopic plants to multiply. The plants absorb carbon and a significant number sink, sequestering the carbon on the ocean floor. Nor is this just theory. Every part has been observed as natural processes or as experimental results. The overall method has been observed both ways.)

The only predictions that I have seen the marionettes make are that the AGWT is wrong. They say it is wrong because:

1. Man is too puny

2. CO2 is plant food

3. The climate is always changing

4. It has been warmer before

5. It's the sun. It has always been the sun.

6. It is a (leftwing, pinko,communist, socialist, democrat or just pick anything) plot to redistribute wealth

7. Al Gore is a man bear pig

8. Al Gore invented the internet AND climate change

9. Al Gore bought a beach house

10 Al Gore flies around in jets

11. Anything concerning Al Gore

12. A warmer climate will be good for us

13. We can water ski in the Arctic Ocean

14. We can turn Greenland into the world's new bread basket

15. It is cold outside

16 It has been 16 to over 20 years (depending on who is telling the lie) without any warming

19 CO2 cannot warm the climate - because I said so?

20 CO2 only makes up .004% of the atmosphere, so it is a trace gas.

The list goes on, but the list contains no Science. Try going to any of the major oil company websites. Their stance is that the burning of fossil fuels is adding to the global warming. Then they rush out and fund anyone that say fossil fuels are good for us. Just like cigarettes are good for us?

Who cares? Fossil fuels are an ancient technology being shoe-horned into a modern society. Everything has its day ... fossil fuels are not the future. We all know it. Global warming aside, the only prediction that's worth its salt is that as supply reduces and demand increases, costs rise. Therefore fossil fuels are not the basis on which to plan the economics of the future.

the oceans are dying . the earth is dying . humanity is dying . all you need do is look . you can see it with your own eyes .

So far, I think they are which does not reflect very well on the scientists. Amazing

highly unlikely
