> How long does the pause have to last until most people stop believing in the CAGW theory?

How long does the pause have to last until most people stop believing in the CAGW theory?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Its happening now, Australia kicked out the labour party over carbon tax, germany is building coal fired power stations, Japan is allowing modest increases in CO2 emissions instead of the original cuts, the world is waking up.

If you want a timeline, 30 years comes from the World Meteorlogical Organization


Even then, we would need to know why there was no warming. 30 years without warming could be caused by an increase in volcanic activity or by a Maunder minimum, which would not mean that carbon dioxide has no effect, only that the increased volcanic aerosols or the decreased TSI cancels out the effect of increased carbon dioxide.

Absolute nonsense. First of all, unfalsifiable =/= passed tests

Ways that AGW is falsifiable

1. Prove that carbon dioxide is completely transparent to thermal infrared

2. Find a better explanation for recent warming than carbon dioxide. And no, it is not the Sun or any other natural explanation.



And skepticalscience hasn't published the rebuttal yet. Perhaps they would have if Dana wasn't so busy campaigning against Keystone XL.

17 year pause? A time frame to short for the data to be statistically significant =/= a pause.


You mean like denialists worshipping oil, coal and SUVs. (Period rather than question mark is intentional)

The problem is that you've decided to cherry-pick a piece of data that suits your belief. Unfortunately for your argument there has been no change in the ratio measured by satellites of energy going in and energy coming out. The bottom line is that additional energy *is* being trapped by lower layers of the atmosphere due to the greenhouse gases we're pumping into the sky. The fact that that trapped energy does not show up as temperature changes at the surface does not imply AGW is wrong.

It's sort of like putting your hand on a window, finding it is cold, and concluding the radiators are turned off without actually checking the radiators themselves.

If CAGW is not falsifiable then it's not a valid theory.

Eco-Socialist climate scientists will NEVER admit they were wrong. Some of the same institutions that were on-board with the Global Cooling scare of the 1970's are the same institutions promoting the man-made Global Warming scare today and they have, to my knowledge, never admitted they were wrong about Global Cooling.

Almost every major climate organization endorsed the 1970s ice age scare, including NCAR, CRU, NAS, NASA – even the CIA. http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2013/...

Did any of them acknowledge they got it wrong in the 1970's? Nope.

Yet, THIS TIME they say we can trust them. Man-made Global Warming is not about the temperature of the planet, it's a political ploy for power and money and they will never stop.


Well if you took the time to research it, you would find that the pause applies to only the land temp. The land and oceans together are still warming. You skeptics take one part of the picture and claim it is the whole. It is not! Continue to delude yourself but don't try to influence others by passing misinformation and lies

Look at this as a fight of good and evil , and what do you call those that worship falls idles and creation . You know evil . The Bible tells us of worshiping his creation over Him . Once you let evil in your hart , it is very hard to kick it out .

The Earth could turn into a ice ball and they would still believe.

CAGW is a non falsifiable theory (not even SkepticalScience can come up with an answer on how you could falsify it....http://www.skepticalscience.com/argument.php?a=308)

I realize that most alarmists are psychotic and things like evidence and reality are now meaningless to them. If temperatures declined for the next 50 years they would claim it was further proof of man made global warming.

I'm wondering how long you think the pause will have to last until the average person stops believing in CAGW.