> Where does the methane that cows produce?

Where does the methane that cows produce?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
me from, what are the steps from source?

Nice question. Thanks. :)



My, my, some of it is burped up. Created by bacteria.

Gee, images of fire eaters come to mind.

Of course. Termites are a significant source of methane too.

In fact, from skimming a couple articles, from ruminants, most of the methane is burped, not from flatulence.

Edit: "Update : No one is getting my point trace it back as far as you can go. "

Now you're going to claim that the carbon in that methane came from grass using CO2 to grow. Which is true. Then you're going to try to claim that it's a way to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. Which, while technically true, is not beneficial in GHG reduction. While there is a temporary conversion of CO2 to CH4, that change increases the heat retention capability of that carbon because CH4 is a more effective green house gas. In any case, CH4 doesn't last long in the atmosphere -- it's converted to water and CO2.

So the net reduction in CO2, which, while slight in the overall scheme of things, does occur, actually does more harm than good in the atmospheric heating that is the subject of today's global warming debate.

Edit more: James "Isn't this expensive carbon neutral BS what AGW cultists are trying to sell us on anyway?"

I think we frame such a bit more civilly. And it's not something that we "sell".

"Eating meat is not politically correct so the leftists and AGW cultists must exempt that blazing example from being carbon neutral and attack the entire beef industry with the EPA."

1. I know I've not attacked the beef industry. And I don't remember Pegminer, Chem, Antarcticice, or any of the prominent posters here doing that.

2. I have seen efforts to reduce methane production in cows, which would be a good thing, since methane is a more effective GHG than CO2, but that really is separate from what those of us who are concerned about the increasing amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere are really worried about.

Anaerobic (low oxygen) environments cause organism to get their nutrients and oxygen in a little different way. I suspect that Methanogenic bacteria are much more common outside of cows and termites than they are in it. Cows, termites and closely related cockroaches have all managed to incorporate some of the methanogens in the gut to help them eat otherwise unavailable food. Termites are also able to digest some of the cellulose on their own.

Essentially the methane comes from reworked CO2, generally. The CO2 makes plant material. The plant material then either gets digested by cows or others and then it gives off methane that quickly converts back to CO2 in the atmosphere.

Is 'the sun' the answer you're looking for?

The AGW cultists can't possibly consider methane from biological sources such as bacteria in cows and vegans fermenting vegetation in the gut carbon neutral considering that they are recycling carbon that is already in the environmental system back into the environmental system. Isn't this expensive carbon neutral BS what AGW cultists are trying to sell us on anyway?

Eating meat s not politically correct so the leftists and AGW cultists must exempt that blazing example from being carbon neutral and attack the entire beef industry with the EPA.

In a cow's complex stomach, there are bacteria which ferment sugars and, not to, produce carbon dioxide and elemental hydrogen. The carbon dioxide and methane are byproducts, not the purpose or fermentation.

Other organisms, called methanogens, produce energy by making methane from the carbon monoxide and the hydrogen.

Generally, the "Other End" of the animal.

The sun.

Do you want a scientific or a Biblical answer?

Best to ask first with so many creationists here...

it's their farts

come from, what are the steps from source?