> Does the 1930's Dust Bowl prove that human beings can alter the climate?

Does the 1930's Dust Bowl prove that human beings can alter the climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I wouldn't say that it *proves* it, but a good scientist doesn't look for, or even quite believe in, "proof". A good scientist looks for *evidence*, and it does provide evidence that humans can have an effect on weather and/or climate.

(also, technically, that would count as a weather event, not really climate--but if we can alter weather, and keep doing the thing that altered the weather for long enough, then we've altered climate...)

I guess C is suggesting that humans didn't emit CO2 in the 1930s. There is a difference between altering the climate and significantly altering the climate. If you change the temperature by a thousandth of a degree it is still altering it but it isn't likely to cause any problems.

Yes. Just look at all the forest and range fires that are caused by poor management. If grazing were allowed, and trees were harvested in areas where they are diseased and overgrown, many wild fires would be reduced on eliminated.

PBS did a three day special on it . The jet stream went further

south hence no rain , Bad farming loosened the top soil

and cause the Dust bowls .

1939 the Jets stream shifted and the rains came back

No, the dust bowl was a drought caused by a natural cycle that was exacerbated by poor agricultural practices, and primarily impacted the central plains. The drought lasted roughly 9 years and immediately followed a prolonged period of global cooling. But, humanity can alter micro climate, UHI effects and the dust storms of the 30's are basically micro climate effects.

Yes humans can alter the climate by deforestation, overgrazing and bad land management.

Early industrial soot emmisions are thought to be a cause of glaciers receding, and blacktop highways, parking areas reduce albedo and cause Urban heat island effect.

No people didn't alter the climate in th 30s What they did was practice poor farming methods This in combination with intense heat and a lack of normal precipitation caused crops to dry out and the top soil blew away

Any single event does not prove or disprove that climate is changing or that humans are causing it.


Actually, poor farming methods do alter climate.


no. what it proves is that climate changes without any input from humanity.

yes and they are doing it again, so prepare for another one, and more deserts.