> Have I found a solution for global warming?

Have I found a solution for global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The stone age didn't end because man ran out of stone or they put taxes on stone, it ended because we found something better, If you want to stop fossil fuel use, put all the wasted trillions of $ into research and development of new energies, like thorium reactors or whatever.

So, basically, your "solution" is "keep causing the problem, and hope we figure out a way to fix it painlessly later"?

What if we never figure out that perfect, painless solution?

And even if we do gain the ability to "control weather", the less out-of-whack our weather is before that point, the less we'll likely have to spend fixing it.

Aside from the fact that, well, our fossil fuel supply is finite. I'd rather leave some of it in reserve in case something extraordinary (for example, a massive asteroid strike) makes it so that we really *need* that fuel.

There is no AGW. Problem solved. AGW was created by evil men to gain control and take our money.

Quote by Club of Rome: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."

We shouldn't try to control weather. We do need to stop using fossil fuels, but we need new energy sources, such as solar, wind and nuclear power to replace fossil fuels. That is why such agreements as the Kyoto Accord call for a gradual reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.

That's not really a solution, but it is a better approach than mandating expensive technologies in countries that do not emit the majority of greenhouse gases.

Who is killing millions?

I too am not too keen on reversing something that isn't proved. I tend to agree that in a hundred years, we will have advanced technologically to a point where cooling the planet would be practical if absolutely necessary.

What global warming?

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

There have been multiple proposals for "artificial trees" that scrub CO2 from the atmosphere something like the scrubbing technology used in submarines. But always there's the question: who do you propose pays for it?

Consider if driving is essential: Reduce the extent of driving a car. Prefer to go by walk for shorter distances or if possible consider using public transportation. Avoid the habit of using one car per person in a family. Following these measures will not only reduce the amount of fuel burnt but also saves your pocket. Walking keeps you healthy.

Reduce the usage of appliances: Increased use of appliances such as refrigerator, air conditioner, freezers and water heaters liberates carbon containing compounds in to the atmosphere. They even consume more amount of electricity that is again generated by using natural resources. Hence, reduce the usage of those appliances.

Plant trees in your backyard: Increased demand for land to live and cultivation is forcing to cut down forests. Plants are our well wishers which take the harmful carbon dioxide and liberate useful oxygen. Thus, reduction in the number of plants is increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increasing the temperature of the environment. To prevent this consider planting a tree in your backyard.

Avoid use of plastic bags: In the past decade there has been tremendous raise in use of plastic bags. These plastic bags do not degrade for a long time and clog the water lines. They even make the streets untidy. Hence, make it a habit to carry the reusable cloth bags or easily degradable paper bags to carry your groceries. This will not only save the environment but are also cost effective. In view of global warming few governments are taking stringent measures to reduce the usage of plastic bags.

Choose energy efficient bulbs: In an attempt to meet the growing needs of electricity more amount of natural resources are being used to generate electricity. This will ultimately use up all the natural resources and might even make the world dark. Hence, there is a need to save power. One efficient solution to save power is use of energy efficient compact fluorescent bulbs. Inefficient bulbs consume more power raising your energy bills.

Reduce the usage of fertilizers: Increased use of fertilizers may increase the crop yield but in the long run it would only make the soil less fertile. The large amounts of fertilizers and pesticides get settled on the food material causing health hazards. They are also very expensive to purchase. Hence, avoid using fertilizers and pesticides. Instead use natural fertilizers such as compost made of household waste and cow dung to increase crop yield.

Plan for energy audit of your house or office: Presence of leakages in the ducts fails your attempts to keep the inside atmosphere at desired temperature. This will keep the cooler or heaters continuously running resulting in energy wastage and increased elimination of carbon compounds in to the atmosphere. Hence, plan for an energy audit of your house or office periodically

Consider recycling if possible: Another efficient global warming solution is recycling. Items such as newspapers, glass and aluminum cans can be recycled efficiently. To reduce wastage all governments across the globe are encouraging recycling. Even electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, laptops etc can also be recycled efficiently.

Safe disposal of industrial waste: Disposal of industrial waste is polluting the environment with harmful chemicals such as mercury and poisonous gases such as sulfurdioxide. Presence of high concentration of sulfur gas in the environment results in acid rains which is harmful to the life on earth. Disposal of hot water also increases the surrounding temperature.

Educate children: It is the responsibility of every parent, teacher and school to enlighten younger generation about the hazardous effects of global warming. They should be encouraged to practice effective global warming solutions right from childhood. Schools should conduct various competitions with the theme of global warming so as to encourage children in gathering related information. This also gives an opportunity for the growing minds to invent new ways to combat global warming. Parents should also practice global warming solutions in daily life and be role models for the children.

Strict implementation of all these measures would be possible only if every citizen feels responsible and implements them. Strict following of these solutions can bring down the global warming within a decade. Measures should be taken to enlighten everyone about the risk of global warming and measures to be taken to reduce it. Media should also participate in enlightening public and promote programs passing such valuable information.

No Just wasting time

I think we should keep using fossil fuels to allow technology to get better. Then come up with some kind of machine that can control weather and climate and then poof global warming is gone. I will tell you that I don't believe it does exist there just isn't enough convincing evidence but since every one is so worried about it. I think we should stop killing millions and just keep using fossil fuels at least until we can reverse global warming. Have a nice day :)

Sorry but that's a big no