> Should I start breathing less to reduce the CO2 I exhale?

Should I start breathing less to reduce the CO2 I exhale?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Sigh.....we haven't heard that stupid question for a couple of days

Respiration has no effect on atmospheric CO2 levels - its obvious

The Carbon you emit from breathing is NOT really a problem, if you are thinking in the terms of Global warming, which I assume you are. Although not a stupid question, you should not breathe less. Doing so won't be good for your body, and you personal health should take a high precedence over your carbon footprint

Besides, learning to breathe less is awfully hard to do. You body breathes faster or slower depending on how much oxygen you body needs to run at whatever time.

If you want to reduce your carbon emissions, I would suggest trying to walk or bike places instead of drive, plant some trees or other plants, and be sure to recycle your garbage where you can.

The CO2 you exhale is already in the system, the problem is adding CO2 from the combustion of fossil fuels. We know that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, that without greenhouse gasses the earth average temperature would be 33C colder (a giant snowball) and that we have added 40% more CO2 to the atmosphere.

How many times have you been told the differences between the biological carbon cycle and the geological carbon cycle? If I tell you again will it finally sink in or will you keep asking idiotic questions like this?

Atmospheric carbon is part of the biological carbon cycle. Understand? The carbon we breathe out is also part of this cycle. Fossil fuels are part of the geological carbon cycle. We are taking carbon out of the biological carbon cycle and pumping it back into the geological carbon cycle faster than nature would allow by using that geological carbon for energy.


See it's questions like these that make others question peoples intelligence. While, at the same time, those who some label 'deniers' who should know better do not correct the misstatements but instead just continue on with not correcting them. Then they go and complain that them being viewed as thinking the same way is false and is just another part of the massive 'liberal hoax'.

No, that's just silly. You breathing less wont make a difference in the CO2 levels. have a house plant if it makes you feel better (you know, to breathe in your CO2).

really? Maybe planting more trees and less human beings on this earth would help. (Don't take that wrong, I just meant that people shouldn't have as much children since there are already so many in adoption services and without homes.)

people have been breathing for thousands of years without any problems. if you feel we have been doing it wrong for so many years than you should just stop breathing for a couple of days and let us know how it works out for you

Man's contribution to the total "Greenhouse Effect" in all manners (including breathing) is less than 1%. Maybe you should talk and breath at plants. Plants love CO2. Here are some facts to back me up:


1) Higher CO2 creates a higher biomass in plants. A doubling of CO2 increases biomass by 40%. CO2 helps plants overcome drought conditions better.

2) “Research is showing that increases of 3, 4, and 5 times of CO2 increases will not have a detrimental effect on the Earth’s biosphere.”

Dr. Tim Patterson – Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University

3)“The amount of water used by plants to produce the same amount of growth is decreased with an increase of CO2.”

Dr. James Arthur Bunce – Agricultural Research Service, USDA


Why not stop altogether Stupid question.

CO2 well does anyone know much is too much? I doubt it. and what effects does it cause, apart from a warmer greener planet with more oxygen for us to breathe (photosynthesis)

Best to ignore idiotic youtube vids about GW Your breathing doesn't effect GW anymore than cow farts

CO2 masks


Just stop breathing all to gether. LOL

you should start breathing less to prevent the spread of stupidity

-Brain explodes-

"Darn these kids for making my brain explode".

If there is CO2, the sea absorbs it all.

Please don't feed the greenies anymore ideas.