> What will happen if we start polluting air more than now?

What will happen if we start polluting air more than now?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The oceans simply become more acidic (carbon dioxide from atmosphere ==> Carbonic acid) and kill microorganisms in the ocean, which kills larger organisms, which kills larger organisms, which kills us humans.

1st. The vast majority of CO2 on earth is dissolved into the oceans. Global surface vegetation impacts a small fraction of atmospheric CO2 and plants also release small amounts of CO2 at night when no photosynthesis is occuring.

There is no chance of any shortage of atmospheric O2 shortages as the atmosphere composition is 21% oxygen. CO2 is only 0.035% of the entire compostion of atmospheric gasses. A tad more than a ? of a %. And for some bizarre reason a bunch of cook alarmists want you to believe that if CO2 raises to 0.045% all the ice is going to suddenly melt off antarctica and sea levels will rise 200 feet. I'd believe the crazy street corner preacher warning of the coming rapture next thursday at 3:14:17 PM wiping out all humanity before I'd believe this global warming CO2 BS. These kooks that are pushing this fantasy want you to believe that variations of solar radiation during natural solar cycles from the SUN are insignificant factors in are dynamic climate on earth. Well, just the other day FOX News released the article in the URL below that states the UN IPCC buried a report that states the sun does have a greater impact on climate here on earth (no sh*t???). But you greenpeace coolaid drinking alarmists keep it up. You're entertainment now. The only proof that any of these fringe alarmist kooks have are nothing more than embarrassingly flawed computer climate models that base fraudulent output on the fraudulent input. They keep changing their details because the real science, one based upon real imperical data, is continuously trickling in with some very inconvenient truths for the alarmist kooks.

Now to answer your question. Hold on because this is going to be fun. The global warming alarmists had to come up with some plausible (to them at least) theory to explain the lack of global warming their beloved climate models predicted so here it is:

Pollution from chinese coal burning plants are causing global cooling. I kid you not. Stop laughing at me. Here is the link to that story...


So the answer must be if you want to believe the lunatic global warming alarmist fringe is more air polution causes global cooling.

Oh yeah, A while back some pointy headed alarmist nut professor tried to explain why the sea levels weren't rising like the climate models predicted. He claimed it was because the extra weight of all that water was forcing the plate tectonics down. LOL! No, it couldn't have anything to do with the undeniable fact that the antarctic ice shelf has been increasing in ice mass and not melting at all in the past few decades. LOL!

Don't worry about running out of oxygen. The problem is that the combustion of fossil fuels is adding carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas to the atmosphere. This is causing sea levels to rise and may be causing droughts and extreme weather.

I jus finished an EPA class. The death of oxygen is actually in remission. Though they said cars caused it, then volcanos. Ocean evaporation is the real culprit. It reads that the biggest spike of all started the year "locomotives" were constructed.

No rising Co2 promotes plant-life and photosynthesis and more oxygen is being released, however other pollutants like SO2 and NOX not to mention soot are causing problems.

Recent imaging from satellites show the earth is actually getting greener (more plants)

I wouldn't worry so much. Oxygen content of the atmosphere has stayed fairly steady over the centuries when we have gone through wars and increases in industry which use oxygen. Through all this the earth has maintained its balance.

I'd worry about the eucalyptus plantations being flooded by rising sea levels.

it will get bad

We die.

We die.

What will happen if our trees cannot make so much oxygen for us? I mean if the industry is polluting the air faster than trees regenerate it. How is it going to affect our health, life, nature. When are we going to experience the first problems. Do you think that we crossed that line? Or you think that we still doesn't pollute the air so much, and fast. I think that in a few years we will cross that line. Because we are cutting trees so fast to make furniture, paper, I mean to use trees for everything. They are earth's lungs, and the industry is growing really fast, and it continues, we are doing some things to prevent it, but it's still really small gesture from eco activists (like me)