> Good thing you rebranded anthropogenic global warming, huh?

Good thing you rebranded anthropogenic global warming, huh?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They have already proven that they can scare people either way.

We have one fella on here, Jeff M, who doesn't believe they tried to hawk an Imminent Ice Age on the unsuspecting public back in the 70s. Your link informatively should correct Jeff's thinking, if he is serious. This has been going on for years and so now rather than getting too hot or too cold they just say change. They don't exactly define or identify that 'change' so it can mean anything, just like one of them there spandex fits all pants you see at Walmart. They can be worn by a skinny gal or a Goodyear blimp.

“It’s easier to dominate a people by exciting their passions than by looking after their interests.” —Gustave Le Bon

Robert: There are too many articles out there disproving your article. I LIVED and was an adult at that time. I know what I read almost daily in the newspapers and on TV. When can you greenies understand that you really can't change history? My goodness, do you ever fall right into Goebbels plan.

Joseph Goebbels,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Ha! Ha! I see the idiots on this site have you thinking corruptly.

The IPCC was founded in 1988. The CC is for climate change.

There is a myth that scientists switched from the term "global warming" to "climate change" for some nefarious, political purpose. This real-time graph shows the use of the two phrases since 1970. Run it for yourself.


The only known political call for changing the term came from Frank Luntz. See an interview of him.


An image of his memo is about a third of the way down the page, with a link to a pdf of it.

So the only known person to suggest a change from the term "global warming" to "climate change" is a past and now Republican political operative.

About cooling.

Look at these three discussions on the myth of the 1970s climate-change communitiy's prediction of a immenent ice age.

"The Old Ice Age Myth Put to Rest"

"In the 1950s the upward trend in global temperatures unexpectedly halted and temperatures declined somewhat. This led some to become concerned about global cooling, and, in turn, newspaper headlines proclaimed an imminent ice age. Climate skeptics often point to that period as evidence that climate scientists are not to be trusted – warnings of global cooling back then, warnings of global warming now. (It is ironic that many climate skeptics are now beating the warning drums of an imminent new ice age.)

"What the skeptics fail to admit is that within the scientific literature — as opposed to the mainstream press — there was no consensus that global cooling would be a long-term trend and global warming remained a serious concern."


"The Myth of the 1970s Global Cooling Scientific Consensus"

"...the following pervasive myth arose: there was a consensus among climate scientists of the 1970s that either global cooling or a full-fledged ice age was imminent (see the “Perpetuating the myth” sidebar). A review of the climate science literature from 1965 to 1979 shows this myth to be false. The myth’s basis lies in a selective misreading of the texts both by some members of the media at the time and by some observers today."


Seriously bullsh*t link Sorry you don;t know jack about AGW

There is no ice age on the way, little or big.

The only cooling predicted by scientists in the late 70s and early 80s were a couple of scientists

All the rest predicted warming right from the start.

You must be a wannabe denier I suggest you visit http://skepticalscience.com so you can see the 173 denier myths which have been debugged so you don't post more questions that have been posted already multiple times(in some cases 100 or more times)

Hot air produces a low pressure area which sucks in whatever is around. There is so much extra heat, either from greenhouse gases or increased solar output, that the artic cold is being sucked down into the deep south. The cold gets there, meets all the warm humidity, drives the temperature out the bottom of the thermometer and dumps as snow.

Y'all better start buying Canadian clothing cuz we got lots more where that last bunch came from.

Yep, over 100 hundred years of warnings and warming with no action.

I've got a degree in chemistry and physics and I don't understand how the various climate models react and interact to produce world or local climate change.

Maybe with your Fox News education you could explain it to me....

The reasons for the cooling was due to increased aerosols. Scrubbers were placed on power plants and catalytic converters in cars to limit sulfur emissions and other emissions. Is see Sagebrush is continuing his lying, not looking at reality, and so on. He, and apparently you, fail to see there are multiple reasons why the planet can change temperature. Of course he bases his 'science' on his biblical understanding. Do you?

I'm disappointed Mushman, usually you're closer to being honest than most of these clowns on here, but of course I'm sure you know that there was no "rebranding."

It's hard to take your link seriously, when they spell "whether" wrong in their headline. That would tip me off that they're not too concerned about accuracy.

If that was true then why isn't the IPCC called the IPGW?

It's a good thing you Deniers re-branded lying as honesty and ignorance as knowledgeable or you would have nothing at all to say.

From "their" point of view it doesn't matter what happens, it will be mankind's fault, particularly the fault of capitalism. Remember, when USSR imploded the Reds went Green. And of course they have infiltrated everywhere, including the White House. We The People could change everything in 2/4/6 years via the ballot box. Except half of us are brainwashed useful idiots.

How long till y'all swing back into the ice age scares? But I guess rebranding AGW as ACC negates the need to change the propaganda...


100 years worth of climate alarm.