> Do people believe in so-called "global warming" because Wiki is their only science source?

Do people believe in so-called "global warming" because Wiki is their only science source?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Absolutely, for instance here is what it said about , H H Lamb, the man who invented this earth imbalance rubbish:

"In 1971 Lamb decided to base his pioneering research at a university, and he became the first Director of the Climatic Research Unit established in 1972 in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia.[1] In 1973 and 1975 he arranged for two international conferences which were hosted in Norwich. At first his view was that global cooling would lead within 10,000 years to a future ice age and he was known as “the ice man”, but over a period including the UK's exceptional drought and heat wave of 1975–76 he changed to predicting that global warming could have serious effects within a century. "

OK, now I see it. Mr. Lamb predicted an impending Ice Age but Global Warming was going to destroy the Earth first. And this Ice Age was going to be brought on by excessive CO2, however, before that happened CO2 was going to cause the Earth to warm up causing a lot of disaster. But if we reduce our CO2 then Global Warming will be solved and also the Ice Age. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

And these greenies eat that crap as if it were the Gospel.

Then you look at Flunky who uses Wikipedia to 'explain basic concepts to those who seem confused'. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

You just gotta wonder how they can get out of bed with that kind of intelligence, or lack thereof.

Deniers ask and answer questions here even though they cannot explain what science is, correctly define any major scientific concepts (e.g., data, evidence, variable, law, theory, method, model, experiment, test, and knowledge), define or evaluate a hypothesis, or interpret and understand anything involving science or math.

Every time is snows in a Denier's back yard they claim there is no global warming – they cannot correctly use or explain simple graphics of temperature data – they have no concept of high- and low-frequency signals - and none (including you, no doubt) even knows what "statistical significance" means although they talk about it all the time.

Deniers are most guilty of being dimwits who at least would be entertaining if they told interesting lies instead of the mind-numbing stupidity like this question.

Of course, not. Only hard-core communist conspirators, like Gore, Obama, and Margaret Thatcher ever used Wikipedia, the Satanic Heart of the Global Warming World Domination Plot.

No. There are sources like NOAA and NASA.

Do people deny global warming because Faux News is their only science source?

I don't know about other people but I believe on it.

Personally, I only use Wikipedia as a way to explain basic concepts to those who seem to be confused about something, or the like.

Here are some of the links I point people at:







http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (I posted a question asking people to give links to information at varying levels of experience)

Notice, Wikipedia is nowhere on the list.

Nope. They start with wiki, and then read the references

No, but it is something deniers can understand.

Seems like every time a so-called "global warming" believer post information to support their claim, it's a cut and paste job straight out of Wikipedia. Also when they give web sites to back up their silly claims, it's always a link to wiki? Why is that? Is that the only reference global warming believers read? And do they believe so-called "global warming" is real because that's what wiki tells them?