> What do you think about climate change activists like Dork?

What do you think about climate change activists like Dork?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It might help if you didn't call him "Dork."

I do disagree with him blocking people for disagreeing with him. If someone answers one of my questions and I don't agree with his/her answer, he/she shouldn't expect ten points. Such people do not stop me from choosing a BA that I do agree with. Not blocking people shows that I am not afraid of losing an argument.


Even though I don't think that you should call him "Dork," only he can decide who he unblocks.

We highly recommend employing http://www.vpnmaster.org to unblock sites. I am using their services for more than 4 years with no problems.

I would never block Dork. He is a good example of the greenie mind. It shows it is all full of trash. He hates the fact that I know he spends his worthless time living in his mother's basement. He is very upset that that they took his Twinkies away and can't wait for next month when they will be on the market again.

As far as the 1984 comment. That is appropriate. Here on Y!A, it has come to my attention directly from Y!A sources, that there are basically two classes of people on this site. I know their words approach the subject delicately, but their meaning is clear. There are those with a higher "personal reporting trust" than others. (Yes those are Y!A's words exactly.) Dork has a very high personal reporting trust. These are a protected species. Trevor the blowhard is another one. He is allowed to call someone a liar with impunity. But you better not call Trevor a liar, even though you have the proof, or Y!A will jump all over you. I have been in direct correspondence with 'y_answrs-team' and they have admitted this. Did you know this?

Not only is 1984 appropriate but Animal Farm is also. "All animals are equal. Some animals are more equal than others." Ha! Ha! How does it feel, all you true scientists? How does it feel that you are considered second rate? Ha! Ha!

Yes it is apparent that we have a community within a community on this site. Doesn't that answer a lot of questions? How does Dork get away with his consistent obnoxious behavior? He, along with others, is a 'trusted' member of this site. You, obviously, are not.

Yes we are in danger of free speech, as you say, and now we know why.

CR: Ha! Ha! Why did you know who we were talking about? You are just admitting that he is a dork by the fact you know we are referring to. You greenies are crumbling. True science prevails!

My spouse and i suggest using VPNPower in order to unblock websites. I've been with them since four years. http://www.vpnpower.net

I think he's a little angry and abrasive, and may occasionally do more harm than good by being obnoxious at well-meaning and/or genuinely ignorant people.

But blocking is not censorship (I find it a little annoying, and I don't do it myself, but it's not censorship). It would only be censorship if he could somehow keep you from asking your own questions, or answering *other* people's questions. And if you think "warmists" are the only one playing the "I don't like your answers, so I'm blocking you" game, then you are, quite frankly, delusional.

You need to understand what censorship actually means. Saying "I don't want to listen to you" is not censorship. Saying "I am not going to promote or sponsor your message" is not censorship. Censorship is trying to keep you from saying what you wish on your own forum, or on a forum not controlled by the person trying to prevent you.

If Skeptical Science tried to get your website shut down, that would be censorship (unless the website was hosted by them). If Dook was falsely reporting your questions and answers (not for violating the rules, just for not agreeing with him), that might qualify as censorship. But SS's refusal to leave up posts (on their own forums) that they object to? Dook blocking people? Not censorship.

Maxx, Rio, and many others block me as well. Blocking people with arguments you refuse to listen to isn't only a one sided thing.

And Wattsupwiththat deletes most opposing arguments as well. Again, this isn't only a one sided thing. You attempting to make it into a one sided thing is completely false. You want free speech? complain to people like Maxx or people like Anthony Watts along with those you complain about already.

Edit: Of course Maxx. And you didn't use to exactly the same tactics time and time again. As I have stated before, you have begun to get reactionary. Then you go and ban me because you can't take what you have been doing when all I did was state that you have been lying in here. Which is pretty obvious giving the number of times you have been told the reality of what you post yet you continue to post it.

Your copy/paste response consists of climategate, which has been debunked, Al Gore, whom has nothing to do with the science, statements that the planet has changed before therefor this time it's natural, the falsehood that all other planets in the solar system are warming too, something concerning Monckton destroying 'warmists' time and time again, and then go on to state something like 'warmists' are in it for the money grab. Then you post the videos which have been talked about quite a lot in here and the falsehoods they contain.

Lets face facts, Dook is not a normal person, there's something not quite right about him. Defo a couple short of a six pack.

Too funny and mind blowing really, I sometimes have to step back and question my sanity. The problem with hey dook and other self proclaimed "realists" is they cannot stand an opposing argument that makes sense. Better to block you or focus on your grammar than discuss the validity of your position.

Peg is just as bad as dook maybe more intelligent but he resorts to name calling just as much.

Climate realist blocked me once because he didn't like the answer I picked. Nobody had answered the question and warmons still make this insane claim that nobody is claiming bad weather is caused by AGW. He has created this fantasy about climate scientist being God's prophets. His views of conservation are commendable but his inability to understand linking bogus problems to good solutions diminishes his position and hinders those who are trying to come up with solutions.

Trevor is simply so full of himself he cannot see the white stallion he rides is covered with mud.

Chem really believes what she is saying. She feels because her insults are righteous they aren't insults, she simply has to find the right analogy for you to understand. She actually believes the definitions she creates for words.

pegminer - I blocked YOU for being obnoxious, you said to me:

"you're a liar, and the people you follow are liars."


That's when I blocked you and you well deserved it.

I had put up with that kind of garbage from you and others for more than a year, but no more.


Jeff M - It wasn't your arguments that caused you be be blocked by me, it was the fact that you resorted to name calling again.

Here you called me a fool and a liar.


That's why you were blocked. It had nothing to do with me not wanting to hear some 'arguments' as you claim. It had everything to do with your baseless insults and incessant personal attacks.


I think HeyDook is a denier pretending to be an alarmist to make all alarmists look bad.

Who use blocking and censorship to prevent unwanted answers, just like his favorite site "skeptical science" when they delete all opposing arguments and evidence, no matter how reasonable.

Does this form of censorship amount to propaganda and are we in danger of an Orwellian 1984 situation where free speech is banned.

Whatever he may do, you and others are being obnoxious by referring to him as "Dork."

By the way, Ottawa Mike, Maxx, Rio and others all block me. I've never blocked anyone or hidden my questions and answers.

EDIT for Maxx; You ARE a liar--don't blame me for pointing that out. Stop lying and I'll stop telling people that; keep lying and I will tell everyone what you are.