> How much damage has been done to the credibility of?

How much damage has been done to the credibility of?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It has done a lot of damage as far as the sane people are concerned.

Then there are people like Trevor who have to re-interpret and effectively 'put words in your mouth' to attempt to regain credibility. I saw nothing in your question or explanation that would lead one to believe that you accepted AGW as true, as Trevor clearly states. This only goes to show what demented minds we have on this site. When you have to twist other people's words to conform to your thoughts, you really are ready for the funny farm and it shows how utterly bankrupt your position is. Disgusting!

TRANSLATE from language: SKEPTIC to language: NORMAL


How much damage has been done to the credibility of science/scientists due to what appears to be a money-driven, head-long dive into the cause of Catastrophic, Man-caused, Global Warming? Will the taxpayers who have bankrolled the Hundreds of $$Billions in grants and subsidies over recent years, forgive and forget the alleged wreckless, sef-serving acts of the scientific community....acts that have cost us so dearly?


Damn, I do wish global warming wasn’t happening. I don’t want to admit to being part of the problem. I don’t see why I should have to bear any responsibility for cleaning up my mess. I know, I’ll hide from reality and pretend it’s not happening, that way I can absolve myself from any responsibility. I’ll make up a load of rubbish along the way and repeat the rubbish from similar like-minded people.

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Given that there isn’t a single scientific organisation on the planet that disputes that humans are contributing to global warming and that this view is shared worldwide amongst the leading academics and academic institutions then I think the amount of damage is nil.

It’s the oil industry funded psuedo-scientists that peddle their lies and will say anything in return for a handout that have done the damage.

What damage? The use of tried and tested laws of physics? The vast amount of data that sits contrary to your view?

What's damaging our planet is pig ignorance of the type your denier kin show here on a daily basis. Some people just won't accept that we humans are causing a problem. Enjoy being the lapdog of Big Oil ... I'm sure you'll be well fed.

Unfortunately, the anti-science political campaign of lies like those in your question has had some measurable short-term effect on public opinion. That will change, of course, since lies cannot stop atmospheric physics.

It will interesting to see how many Deniers will be honest enough to admit they were Deniers after reality exposes them as the "Flat Earthers" of the 21st century. I suspect most will continue to lie and claim that they knew AGW was real, all along.

Deniers and Creationists are destined to replace Flat Earthers as Western History's greatest buffoons.

Who due you think bore the burden of the likely one trillion dollars of tax breaks and investor tax breaks for oil and coal One alternative...solar, wind and geothermal are perfected and implemented the cost of operation will be much less than the current power supply

GW science is not money driven. That is just another BS denier lie

None. However many conservatives have shown that they can't accept reality, even when it hits them over the head. This has done considerable damage to the conservative 'brand', so much so that it's questionable if another conservative will ever win national election in the U.S.

It's really too bad that one political persuasion has deluded themselves so badly that they no longer offer a viable alternative viewpoint.

Incalculable damage, Many will always do a double take now when they hear a scientist, especially one supporting the establishment mantra.

Pretty serious I would say but what choice do they have? If they do not provide what is required by the fund providers they would be out of work. If you take the shilling, then you sing the song.

I know how history will view this and people that believe as you do will not fare well. The future generations will certainly question as to how such self induced ignorance was allowed to control public policy.

science/scientists due to what appears to be a money-driven, head-long dive into the cause of Catastrophic, Man-caused, Global Warming? Will the taxpayers who have bankrolled the Hundreds of $$Billions in grants and subsidies over recent years, forgive and forget the alleged wreckless, sef-serving acts of the scientific community....acts that have cost us so dearly?
