> Big buts and I can't lie?

Big buts and I can't lie?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I like big buts and I cannot lie

^ Other brother trying to deny?


sir mixed up a lot (also known as yahoo answers) has apparently put your question in the wrong category .

This happens a lot so no problem, but you might try re posting it in the entertainment/music category.

Graphic: We did that out in South Dakota. That is where we got the majority of our water. It was stored in a cistern.

In direct answer to the question: That is a good question. I see so many people on here answer a question one way then say BUT if you were asking the question to this other way it means. . . .

True scientists leave the buts to the billy goat.

I have to say that there is a world of difference between J Lo and Beyonce compared to Michael Moore so I can't agree with you in every instance.

And you are concerned that global warming will lead to smaller buts.

Excellent idea for conserving water:

and your question is?

You can't even spell butt and we don't need that kind of crap posted here

I like big buts and I cannot lie