> No relief for Earth's warming trend in 2013?

No relief for Earth's warming trend in 2013?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Even the current temperature would allow for such a news article. When you have the same temperatures as 10 years ago and lower temperature than 15 years ago, you can claim the warming trend did not continue. However, pretty much any temperature no matter how cold would still produce the headline of the warming continues, because the writers are parroting the lines from environmental activists.

What exactly does 'maintained its warming trend' mean? If it means keep the same temperature trend at the same level, then temperatures have to be increasing every year. Any dropoff would lower the warming trend. At the very least you have to maintain the same increase of temperatures compared with a time period in the past, like ten years ago. We have seen that so far Joe Romm is losing his bet of .15C warmer decade than the previous decade.

If 'maintained its warming trend' means just a trend of warming, then temperatures would have to return to return to the long term average before they would be forced to give up the claim of not maintaining a warming trend. This is silly, as it means that temperatures can stay flat for 200 years and they would still claim that it is warming, and 210 warmest years on record happened in the last 220 years.

You must be assuming that if the earth warms up or cools down that this is important. The earth has frozen over and warmed up in the past. People are still here. You must be also assuming that it is important that the human species is the most important life form here and it would be wrong for us to go extinct like other species are doing all the time. To answer your question I would say that if it stayed the same as the previous year we could say that we did not maintain a warming trend.

If the earth was to warm and freeze I would wonder if the earth was not trying to get rid of humans so it could once again team with life and be beautiful. I wonder if aliens are flying by saying before this earth was a lovely park till It got infested with humans. Lol.

If the temperature for 2013 failed to make the top ten. If the temperature anomaly had been less than 0.55C.


Then 2013 would not have maintained the warming trend.


The ones who say "no relief for earths warming trend" are the realists. The others who say "the standstill continues" are the denialists.

AGW reached the point of no return a long time ago. Warmonist for some reason think to admit climate scientists are wrong would bring into question all science. For them there are no errors only learning experiences, predictions aren't wrong they simply need to be made more ambiguous, and those not persuaded by fear of the unknown are simply antiscience or haven't been given the right analogy.

Anything that finished in or near the Top 10 in anything for almost 25 years in a row would - rightfully - be considered more than just a trend.

57 degrees. Read the article. It's in there.

But I sure media would be more precise in their writing. The article is not talking about "the earth", it is talking specifically about the Troposphere and people would understand climate change better if the writing was more clear.

It is quite amazing how some say "no relief for earths warming trend" and others say "the standstill continues" while looking at the same data.

Makes you wonder what happened to factual and unbiased journalism.

Wrong about ice increasing in the southern hemisphere. Antarctica has an expanding ice extent but the western portion is melting more each year, which reduces the total ice volume. This is due to the slight warming of the ocean and it is melting land ice which is much thicker than the sea ice that develops. Part of the western portion is solid ice to the ocean floor

And the propaganda bullshite machine rolls on and on spewing it's lies to both the gullible and the faithful.

2013 was not that warm cold winter and cold spring

That's the title of a news article. Further, here is the first paragraph:

"(Reuters) - The average temperature of Earth maintained its warming trend in 2013, despite seasonal and regional variations that included a shrinking ice cap in the Arctic and a massively growing one in the southern hemisphere, U.S. scientists said on Tuesday." http://news.yahoo.com/no-relief-earth-39-warming-trend-2013-studies-230154587.html

My question is about a simple as it gets. What "average temperature of Earth" would allow for the statement and news article with a headline and explanation that 2013 did NOT maintain the warming trend?