> What is the pickup day for Escondido Disposal Recycling?

What is the pickup day for Escondido Disposal Recycling?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Is Gringo capable of reading a simple question? He has explained why he couldn't look it up, and your link doesn't respond to his question.

Now at least Big Gryph gave a reasonable question.

Why not just leave it every day out and see when it gets picked up?

Note that recycling is largely a waste of time and effort as the big landfills can recycle plenty on their own. It will not reduce global warming appreciably, at least the household level recycling, and could even increase CO2 emissions depending on how they are running the program. On the other hand things like cash for clunkers increase CO2 emissions substantially as it blocks recycling of big ticket items.

Recycling pick-up will be on the same day as your regular trash pick-up. Some how you will need to make it obvious what the trash is and what the recycling is. Where I live we have a gray container for trash, blue for all recycling except for yard waste, and green for yard waste. However, not everyone has the color coded bins but if you keep things separate they'll be able to figure it out--the same people do the pick-up in different trips.

In answer to Mike, there are lots of places you can't leave trash/recycling out all week long. If I do that, I risk getting fined by my homeowners association. As for recycling being a waste because large landfills can recycle plenty on their own, what does that mean? There are good reasons for recycling, one of them being that if you don't recycle, then large landfills become small landfills quickly. In many places it's very difficult to find space for new landfills. In the area near where the questioner lives, there is a proposed landfill that's still hasn't been a subject of controversy for almost 20 years. It's a good thing if things like yard waste can be diverted away from landfills, it greatly increases the lifetime of the landfill. Other things you don't want in your landfill for environmental reasons, such as electronic waste.

Ask a neighbor or call the city


It took me less time to Google that than it took you to type your question.

Pretty sure I Havd Escondido disposal service. I live in downtown escondido by old Palomar hospital 92025 zip code. I know I put trash out Wednesday night for pickup on Thursday morning..if someone could tell me when my recycling gets picked up, that would be rad!! PS: only have phone Internet and their website is hard to load