> What is the climate like in North America compared to South America?

What is the climate like in North America compared to South America?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The equator goes through the heart of South America so it tends to be much warmer but as someone mentioned, Tierra Del Fuego (spelling?) is still pretty cold.

Both North and South America cover large areas and have many different climate zones. There are some parts of both continents that have very similar climates, this is particularly true of the moderate climate zones away from the Equatorial regions and away from the northernmost and southernmost extremities.

There are some major differences. South America has a large Tropical zone that incorporates most of the northern part of the region including much of Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia and the surrounding areas. This climate is hot and humid, it’s the same as found in most of the Caribbean and southern Mexico, the only part of the US to have this climate is the tip of Florida.

The other big difference is that North America has a large Subarctic region and a large Polar region, these cover all of Greenland and much of Canada and Alaska but in South America only occur in the mountainous and southernmost parts of Chile.

There are some parts of North America, notably some parts of Mexico and parts of the western states of the US that have a predominantly dry climate, such climate types occur less in South America.

Overall, North America is the drier and cooler of the two continents.

where in North America and where in South America? southern tip is like north pole and equator is hotter than anywhere in north America.

It is the opposite at any given time. Warm in Maine and butt freezing cold in Tierra del Fuego.

well it is winter now in south America and it is much different , they don't have a gulf stream and it is much higher elevation.

how about a satellite view
