> If the sea level doesn't rise alarmingly what's left?

If the sea level doesn't rise alarmingly what's left?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Climate alarmists are soon going to be as credible as Harold Camping.

John: "nothing is certain". You fellows are certainly taking our money. You fellows certainly are taking us to the cleaners. You fellows are certainly trying to pull a fast one.

Gary F: You have abundantly displayed your ignorance in environmental issues, and now you have added English to that list also. But one thing you excel at is, your mundane Dork like insults which have no scientific validity.

In direct answer to your question: It is even worse than that, Climate alarmists are soon going to be as credible as Dork.

It could rise un-alarmingly?

What's left? Only the fundamental laws of physics that tell us pumping a known greenhouse gas in massive quantities at a rate faster than the planet can remove it will trap additional heat and warm the atmosphere. But, that's the bit the deniers never quite get around to discussing because it would involve them having to prove that we don't use fossil fuels, that C+O2 does not equal CO2 when we burn it, that CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas, and that the laws of thermodynamics are wrong.

If you're seeking an argument, the only reason that Antarctica is seeing an increase in snowfall is that temperatures have risen to a suitable point for snowfall. The snowfall is not going to ensure that the ice will not melt. There is great controversy on this topic, so nothing is certain.

You reference a study that uses a computer climate model to identify a possible feature of global warming that could potentially temporarily suppress a different feature of global warming - in order to disprove global warming.

That's genius - just genius - and really fcking funny.

Is English not your native language?


Maxx --

I didn't know Ian was more that one person. My comment was an adjectival use of the word. Is English your second language, also?


edit --

>>I was pointing out that if sea levels don't rise alarmingly then what will alarmists like you have left to fear monger about.<<

You can say that, but the article in no way makes that point.

And - I'm a scientist, not an alarmist. Although anyone who thinks there is no reason for concern is clueless about what is happening with the earth's climate system.

I think this abstract is saying this is the most snowfall that Antarctic has seen in at least 60 years. Sea levels were not rising much to begin with, in spite of all the screeching from alarmists. So this just looks like another nail in the man-made Global Warming coffin.

Of course this also means another Warmist FAILED prediction.

Now how many hundreds of billions of dollars have we spent again, so the climate scientists geniuses can make all these failed predictions and scare our children into not sleeping at night?


And on top of that:

Greenland's Glacial Melt May Slow, Study Suggests (8 May 2013)



Gary F - You better read it again --- it's geniuses (plural)


I do speak SOME English.


kano - Ocean Acidification has already been shown wrong.

Ocean Acidification Hysteria Is Unwarranted



John you have it wrong Antarctic temperatures are not rising, and the ice extent is increasing at record rates.