> How do anti-science advocates here use "a mix of both sides" to cloak their fossil fuel industry biased denial

How do anti-science advocates here use "a mix of both sides" to cloak their fossil fuel industry biased denial

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
My problem with OM is that he has the ability to learn, but chooses not to. Most of the Deniers here can never understand the science. They are incapable of scientific thought (and unaware of its existence) and too old to ever understand scientific skepticism, let alone practice it.

OM is probably batting 110-120 in the Summer IQ League with above average pattern recognition skills, an aptitude for problem solving, and a fair degree of technical competency. Sometimes it seems as if he simply took an position and is too stubborn to change – whereas his cohorts mostly took a position and are too stupid to change.

Corporations Fund Science Denial


We have different interpretations of the question and any intent behind it.

I can’t see anything wrong with the question. The asker takes a neutral position and is seeking neutral responses. There’s also some interesting links that other users may find useful.

The sceptics, like the advocates, are a mixed bunch and personally I consider this particular user to be one of the better informed and more rational of the sceptics.

Of course, yourself and other users (myself included) have differing opinions from the person we’re talking about, I don’t see this as a problem.

What I do consider to be a problem is when users, whichever side they’re one, knowingly and intentionally lie and deceive. These are not characteristics I associate with the user in question and I believe that if this person did post erroneous post content (and it was shown to be such), then s/he would refrain from referencing it again.

Focussing not on any one person, there are some, a small number, who perhaps try to gain a certain level of credibility across the board by outwardly presenting a more neutral or balanced stand that they use as a cover to push their particular agenda. I can’t however think of any current users who frequent this section for whom this particular descriptor would apply; there’s a couple who stop by every so often and a couple from the past that come to mind. They’re pretty easy to spot.

A century of non-science.

Less than 10% of the competent work done of coal utilization and conversion is available on the internet, that means original research a the institution doing the study, so none of these ever get referenced.

Coal was converted to petroleum in 1929, but the work got nowhere in the republic, while the German government in 1938 decided to come over and buy every copy of this available, and even stole the library copy. fortunately G. R. Yohe had a copy which he gave to me, and had we done this, the nation would be 100% energy independent, and 4 million more jobs would exist. But hey, no need to waste energy then shipping liquids. No $ 2 trillion to anti-American foreign rulers. We could still do this today, and guarantee $ 3.25 gas for the next 15 years a steady price.

Maybe we do not have anyone seeing R. H. Shiley, et. al report on conversion of coal to ethanol at $0.56/gallon in 1976. This also would have had a massive stabilization affect on the price of oil.

Let us not let the liberal morons who know nothing about coal, but a lot about political-science be silenced, let them win, because we are afraid of them. ( and they sound so good with their feigned worry about the environment ).

95 percent of climate models predicting global temperature rises have been wrong.

Former NASA scientist Dr. Roy Spencer says that climate models used by government agencies to create policies “have failed miserably.”


The case for global warming is on thin ice, no pun intended.

Science as no holds over us....and shows us nothing that is new....for we are violators of the earth....and you do not need to know science or look at stats....the earth is a living organism....and if you throw stones at anything that is living....that life will slowly die...and I mean slowly....in agony....that's fact...no scientist can doubt that...for you will see it with your own eyes....and that is what we are looking at now....a planet that lives....dying....just think on one impact...one stone...thrown at earth....the Atomic Bomb.....now research the impact that had at the time and the after effects now....I am sure that science will hide those facts...of deceive those who search them....for it condemns them....the Scientists that created that bomb...and that is just one stone....now think on others...like Wars....Chernobyl.....these have to effect the way that planet lives...and no Scientist knows that either....yet they play their war games like Children....


This is a response to this -"What climate change resources to you visit"- https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140627082420AAoWTNo ) which I am blocked from exposing the duplicity of directly.

It seems obvious to me, after reading thousands of posts from this participant, that his interest in science here is 99% due to a desire to more credibly deceive, and that even that interest in science receives a tiny fraction of the time he spends recycling and repackaging deception that is clearly traceable to the fossil fuel industry front groups of the 1990s.





