> Lets all be fair here why dont we?

Lets all be fair here why dont we?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
And your point is?


Scientifically speaking, no. There is bound to be one some time in the future. Whether we humans are still around then is an entirely different matter.

What you appear to ignore is the scientific fact that the difference between ice ages and non ice ages (aka interglacials) isn't really that much in terms of global average temperature. It is therefor very well possible that the next ice age due is partially or even totally offset by man-made global warming.

Yes you are correct one ice age did occur when Co2 was many times higher than now, and we really don't know what causes ice ages, the Milankovitch cycles theory although plausible have defects and the sun has many different cycles, and many ice ages had high temperatures prior to their start.

we just don't know enough to forecast or predict.

But I would say it is likely that as long as one of our poles has a land mass on it we are liable for them to occur, when, who knows maybe this year maybe in ten thousand years time.

How can u? If the temperature increases then ices will keep on melting. The temperature of the whole world is increasing. Beside ices are formed only at 0*c or below then that. So no chance.

better to plant more and more trees to decrease the amount of CO2 and other poison gases. There's nothing in this world that can clean the air and keep the climate cool except plants.

You don't know JACK about climate change

GW is not happening mostly because of natural influences...what have you been smoking

Humans have increased atmospheric CO2 significantly

I wouldn't assume that another ice age will happen but it certainly would be likely based on the past. Based on the past it is almost a certainty but human emission of CO2 do add a small doubt about the future temperature. As you indicated, previously CO2 increased during each period of glaciation but it didn't stop the next glacial period. I am not convinced that our CO2 emissions will stop the next one either.

The time scale for glacial periods is far greater than human lifespans. There are probably 5 thousand generations between each glacial period (assuming 20 years per generation). It isn't likely IMO that we will still be emitting that much CO2 in just a few hundred years because our technology will likely advance beyond it.

Alarmists have been warning of catastrophic warming from our CO2 emissions. They aren't about being fair. They are more interested in pushing a cause and they have their blinders on.

Let us just face it. We don't know enough about the Earth to accurately predict. It hasn't been done yet and we have a heck of a long ways to go before we can even begin to go down that road.

Quote by Noel Brown, UN official: "Entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of "eco-refugees," threatening political chaos."

Do you think you can do better that that? Ha! Ha! He is an utter failure and yet he is better than Michael Mann.

Don't try to predict something like that. It is beyond anyone's pay scale.

Yes Prico, please tell us who is paying you, he deserves a metal for the humor he has provided.

Yes the sun influences the climate and so does the amount of Co2 in the atmosphere along with the rotation rate of Earth, eccentricity, axis tilt and arrangement of the continents. Yes Humans have increased Co2 in the atmosphere slightly. Lets not forget the atmosphere at one time was 10x higher than now and then we went into an ice age. Yes the climate is very slightly warming mostly due to natural influences but Humans have had an impact as well. Why do people deny another ice will happen in the future? I mean the temperatures were much higher near 25 C and then we entered a major ice age. We cant deny the facts that another ice age will happen can we?