> Why did Algore warn us that Earth is getting warmer, but on the evidence its mostly getting colder?

Why did Algore warn us that Earth is getting warmer, but on the evidence its mostly getting colder?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What evidence?

He was talking about the "average" Earth temperature, and less than 3 degrees Celsius.

Normal local temperatures vary widely. How would you know if an unusual temperature of minus 15 degrees is 3 degrees higher or lower than what would have occurred without global warming?

Perhaps you can say he was wrong if the glaciers come back.

. .

Al Gore made a move and wrote a book based on the work of many scientists around the world, he basically repackaged what they were saying and presented it to a wide audience in an easy to understand manner. Whilst there are inaccuracies and vagaries in his presentations, the underlying message is correct.

Earth is getting warmer and has been doing for several decades. It’s now about 0.85°C warmer than it would be if there were no global warming.

Global climates are influenced by a great many factors and you’ve probably heard of ones such as El Nina and La Nina, there are many others. Most of these influence global temperatures on timescales of a few months to a few years. If they’re in the negative phase then we get cooling but once they switch to the positive phase we get warming.

These short term fluctuations will always happen and so from one year to the next it could be warmer or cooler.

To determine if the climate is warming we need to look beyond these factors and look at timescales that go beyond the influence of natural variability. When we do that we can very clearly see that there is an upward trend in global temperatures. Here’s the temps since 1880 (the start of the NASA record) and to put it into a wider perspective, the temps for the last 2,000 years:



<< Earth temperature is colder this year, even Egypt had snow for the 1st time in 140yrs >>

Actually the average global temperature for 2013 was higher than it was for 2012. 2013 was 0.68954°C warmer than the baseline (1951 to 1980 average) whereas 2012 was 0.65125°C warmer.


And not wanting to be pernickety, but it was Cairo that had snow for the first time in 112 years. It’s not uncommon for snow to fall in parts of Egypt and there is even a ski resort at Jabal Katherina. Here’s some pics:


Okay - here is some Honesty.

The INCREASE in Global Average Surface Temperature has plateaued over some decadish period. Still, the last decade is the warmest decade on record - i.e., NOT COOLING!

This plateau is bothersome on a scientific basis because there are a lot of hypotheses about it, but it hasn't been pinned down.

Still, if you want to say the EARTH is getting warmer (not just the peel of the orange), then all you have to do is look at the Global Average Upper Ocean Temperatures (upper 1000m). Magnitudes more heat stored in the oceans, than in the surface atmosphere. And it's still going up.

And even more concerning, the pH of the ocean keeps dropping due to increased CO2 in the water. This has a direct effect on the critters (especially corals).

As for the Egypt claim - bah! That claim gets more interesting as time goes on. The Egyptian Meteorological Service has denied the 100 (or 140) year claim - a claim made by locals on twitter. And most of the images of snow covered pyramids and Sphinxs are proven fakes.

It doesn't snow that often in Egypt (both due to atmospheric moisture content and temperature), but it DOES snow. Mostly on the Jabal Katherina mountain - but I wouldn't want to board there.

Climatological records show snow (measurable, but small) as recently as 2004 at the Cairo airport.

And sorry, this is one scientist (more Oceanographer than Climate scientist) who knows Al Gore got far more right than he got wrong.

Almost a decade ago, Al Gore was presented with a question, "what are the drivers of global change?" Unable to immediately answer the question in full, he has continued to revisit the query, and over the last two years has researched, analyzed and produced a complex and comprehensive map of the forces that are shaping our world. The result is "The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change." While mapping the future is a risky undertaking, perhaps the only thing riskier is doing nothing.

Al Gore is very powerful weapon against Global Warming. I noted that whenever he goes to some place with lectures about AGW, it getting more than usual snow fall and cold weather. If he predicts Global Warming, most areas on the planet start getting colder.

So you can trust him the fighting force against AGW. :D

Because Al Gore is a propagandists with a cause. He's made millions off the man-made Global Warming scam.

MONEY AND POWER were the motive. This is almost always the the motive of any political deception and Al Gore planned to be at the center of it.

There are TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS of dollars to be made selling carbon credits and controlling businesses, Warmist driving this fraud are seeking all those types of powers and we will be the ones to pay for it and fill their pockets.

Warmist have ALREADY been collecting BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars each year for 'global warming research' and this has been going on for MORE THAN 30 YEARS!!!

Watch these, the FRAUD is explained in detail by some of the world's leading experts:

The Great Global Warming Swindle

I'll answer it in two parts.

1. About Al Gore

What is this infatuation that denialists have with Al Gore?




Madd Maxx

11 errors or 35 errors in Al Gore's movie? I would rather believe the court record than the statements of someone who lied about being an English lord.

The experts swore to the 11 errors. They refused to swear to the other 24, because they would have been charged with perjury.

Al Gore is making a lot of money off of this "Global Warming" scare. Or I guess it isn't called Global Warming anymore, its called "Climate Change" (mainly because of all of the cold weather we have been having lol). We should credit Obama for stopping Global warming. Hopefully that will make the liberals happy and they will shut up about Global warming. Obama could finally say he made an accomplishment in his two terms as President and everybody would be happy.

no, the average temperature of Earth is getting warmer. Even the skeptic Roy Spencer agrees, even if he questions the cause.

Australia is experiencing record hot temperatures, somehow deniers forget.

What evidence???????

Earth has been getting warmers although it seems to escape the weaker minded of us. The last decade was the warmest on record, 2012 was the 10th warmest year on record and 2013 may be in or near the top ten

AlGore had to sell his carbon credits and make profits for him and his shareholders somehow.

NYC coldest it's been for 118 years.

Notice how AGW cultists try to distance themselves from AlGore who has actively been selling this AGW snake oil for decades. AlGore even won a Nobel prize, made an award winning movie, sold lots of books, been preaching the AGW line saying everything that AGW cultists everywhere believe.

So why are AGW cultists trying to distance themselves from a guy who promotes everything AGW cultists believe? you know the answer to that. All you have to do is watch what he does while he says what he does.

Why are deniers such twits they can't put a space between "Al" and "Gore"?

Egypt did not have the first snow in 140 years, that is incorrect.

Cherry picking, Such intellectual dishonesty is only to be expected since their is zero evidence for your conjecture

He wanted to make money, GW is a scam plain and simple

Al Gorleone is a con artist.