> How do you poop?

How do you poop?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The opening of my anal sphincter and peristalsis of my colon, like everyone else.

They were potty trained as kids. This involved learning to recognise the sensation of needing to poop, and conscious control of their sphincter muscles. Most people started learning this process between 22 and 30 months old.

You preach about Global Warming. And everyone knows what a crock of feces that is.

LMAO I think someone is bored as crazy hell!

Everyone always is say "Oh I will go poop now" because when they have to poop they will poop. But how is they can just poop when they are want to poop because I am not know how you can just poop when you are just feel like pooping? How do you poop?