> Will alarmists call on John Kerry to define what "catastrophe" means.?

Will alarmists call on John Kerry to define what "catastrophe" means.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Kerry has defined it. He said 3C, maybe 4C, maybe 5C of warming by 2050.

I posted here a question about whether John Kerry is right on this claim. No one responded to say he was wrong, unimportant, etc, as happens when someone posts wrong predictions that have been found to be false. When the claims are made, none of the scientists say anything because they want to scare people.

No they won't. They wouldn't ask him to define 'war hero' also. They won't ask him to define 'turncoat', 'traitor' or 'commie lover' also.

Greenies always want control of your vocabulary. "he who controls the language wins the argument." An old Alinsky trick.

Ambiguity is the friend of the greenies and the bane of mankind.

It's not right to answer your own question. It really all depends on what the definition of is is.

Why? What does John Kerry know that Bozo the Clown doesn't know?

Deniers are the true Alarmists

What can I say, you have said it all, and they call us deniers.


Lol. I'm betting not.

Alarmists:"Gahhhh, climate change will bring catastrophe and life as you know it will end. We must fight climate change now before it is too late. "

Skeptic: "I really don't believe in catastrophic climate change. I don't see any immediate or imminent catastrophes occurring any time soon."

Alarmist: "We NEVER said climate change would bring catastrophes you lying pos. Where did you get that from? We NEVER claimed that. Define "catastrophic"? We NEVER said it would be catastrophic. NEVER."

Skeptic: "Ummm... so why do you want to waste billions of dollars fighting it then?"

Alarmist: "Because it will be catastrophic if we don't you idiot denier."