> Is climate change a movie plot?

Is climate change a movie plot?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Read this it is brilliant, a pity we could not view the slides as well.


Baccheus, Thanks for the laugh. Got to love your sense of humor about AGW, because SURELY you are joking.

Are you REALLY suggesting that a specific WEATHER event like a heat wave and a typhoon was CAUSED by AGW???

And lets pretend the heat wave crap is actually right. Are you suggesting that more people die from heat-related deaths, than cold-related deaths???

Assuming you are not a complete moron, I have to think your post was made in a satircal fashion and commend your wit. Very funny.

BTW Baccheus,

I also laughed at "The Producers" and the song "Springtime for Hitler". Now perhaps the JEWISH person who wrote this, is sick, but I don't think this is the case. I personally think that man's ability to laugh in the face of tragedy, marks why we are the top of the food chain.

Gary F,

If you were anything but a political stooge, you might read up on history a bit and find that the church funded science, history and learning when the fuedal lords could not be bothered. It is thanks to the church that we are where we are. This is EASILY shown in the fact that the founding father of nearly every branch of science was employed by the church.

But go ahead and let your hate for anyone that does not hold the same views on religion and politics shine right through.

Baccy Baby. Many people in Europe died from the cold because they couldn't afford to heat. Those lives are directly responsible to the sick greenies. How does it feel to be the cause of the death to those people?

Gringo: Karl Marx was no scientist, yet you read his literature. You don't have to be a scientist to know that your are being conned. The truth from a babbling idiot is better that a falsehood from a person with a degree. To bad you are not smart enough to see that.

In direct answer to the question. The AGW or Climate Change or even the impending Ice Age could be comedy routines were it not for the fact that they have ruined many lives and advanced Communism or the like.

"is there some means by which CO2 can directly influence typhoons"

Typhoon, cyclones and hurricanes are pretty much the same weather phenomenon. IF you are not aware of how these storms can be affected by a warming atmosphere via increased CO2 then you obviously haven't been paying attention.

The poleward migration of the location of tropical cyclone maximum intensity - http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v50...

Even the 2007 report of the IPCC acknowledged they were affected.


It also states that storm track activity may or may not have increased and gives scientific studies pointing to each possibility.

And your statement that there has been no increase in temperature in this region is false as both temperature and precipitation levels in the region have increased.


Hopefully you don't come back with something like "I live here! I haven't noticed any changes!" because those people that also live there who are in charge of various weather and temperature recording stations who make it a lifetime job would disagree.

There also exists the possibility that incidents of these types of storms could decrease in a warming world while those category 4 or 5 storms could increase.


Don't pretend that CO2, and the warming attributed to it, can't have any effect on tropical storms.

Edit: The period started in 1951 not during the last great positive phase in the 80s and 90s. During this early period ENSO was negative. http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/enso/mei/ You are attempting to explain away measurements with falsehoods.

Also, dealing with temperature, it seems that you are stating that the figure 1 in the following article does not show an increasing trend from 2000 onward. http://www.nscb.gov.ph/ncs/12thncs/paper...

State of Fear wold have made for a good movie. Instead Hollywood changed the characters, and instead put out Green Zone. I'd like to see Dinesh DSouza try to make The Skeptical Environmentalist with Bjorn Lomborg.

It is close but don't think it is really science fiction since there isn't enough science.

It is kind of like a comedy but it maybe more like a tragedy.

Perhaps we should just categorize it as one of the B-rated zombie movies.

Baccheous is really mentally sick. He pretends to know our CO2 emissions killed 70K people and then Gary F reveals his sick side attacking any religion that doesn't fit his. I noticed that Bach didn't mention how many people were saved from cold related deaths.

I stopped reading your linked text at the 2nd line where it says: "I am not a scientist".

I have no interest in reading the presentation of a neo-conservative Australian MP at Heartland's Las Vegas denier conference.

Ummmm, kind of like Aesop's Fable.

Too bad there are so many grasshoppers among the political genre.

The Day after Tomorrow and Inconvenant truth movie .

one good other boring propaganda

70,000 people died in the European heat wave and you want to joke about. Last November the Philippines was hit by the strongest typhoon on landfall in history.

Kano: "oh funny, this is like star trek"

You are sick. This not a joke. Ask your friends in Tacloban how much it is like Star Trek.

Baccheus ---

These are the same people whose Go-To solution for every political issue is bombing, killing, and jailing; and, most of them worship a God who drowned nearly every damn thing on the planet just because he was in a bad mood. They are a fearful and hateful remnant population of the Dark Ages trapped in a post-Enlightenment scientific world.

Read this it is brilliant, a pity we could not view the slides as well.


Depends you should stay in one spot.