> So global warming is fake?

So global warming is fake?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Expanding ice in Antarctica can be expected with global warming. It is too cold there for warming to melt ice, but you can get more snowfall from evaporated ocean water.

No, global warming is not fake. It is a fact and we can felt it. The global warming can be seen every where on the earth and the rising sea levels and the increased temperature in the atmosphere is the signs of global warming. We can't get a big evidence at a time. The changes in the atmosphere will occur slowly. At last the whole balance will lost and we can't live normally in this earth. so, we must protect our habitat, the earth.

Here's an analogy I've been using for questions like this.

I think the mayors of Analogyville are getting worse and worse. The one we had 4 years ago stole $400, the one we had 3 years ago stole $700, the one we had 2 years ago stole $800, the one we had last year stole $1 million, and the one we had this year stole $1,000.

Now, you could argue that this year's mayor, who only stole $1,000, is a lot better than last year's mayor, the guy who stole $1 million, so the mayors aren't getting "worse and worse". But I think we can both agree that the mayor who stole $1,000 is worse than the mayor who stole $400. The fact that this year's mayor was better than last year's doesn't necessarily mean that Analogyville's mayors are getting better, just that last year's mayor was unusually bad.

Do you see what I'm getting at here? The fact that the Arctic didn't melt quite as badly as last year doesn't mean it's no longer decreasing, just that last year was *unusually* bad, out of keeping with the general trend, and now we are back to the (slightly better) general trend.

As far as Antarctic ice expanding--we actually expect Antarctic sea ice, which as far as I know only exists in winter--to expand with warming, as more melting of Antarctic land ice makes the surrounding water less saline and colder, and thus more prone to freezing.

The Arctic sea ice extent has recovered from the record low extent set last year, but is still well below the 1979 median. This in no way could be considered a recovery. Welcome to the world of WEATHER and what you suggest is not even close to what could be considered a trend in the climate itself.

Antarctica is quite literally the polar opposite of the Arctic. The Arctic is surrounded by land. Antarctica is surrounded by water. Antarctica also has a massive amount of land ice. http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/feature...

There are several ways to measure sea ice.





Out of these different ways to measure sea ice, which do you think is the most important measurement to take to know the over all health of the sea ice?

Hint - https://sites.google.com/site/pettitclim...

Global warming is mostly fake. Human activity has some effect on the climate, but it's been dramatically overstated.

Wouldn't it be funny if climate went into a prolonged cooling period - all the climate change alarmists would have to do a 180 degree about face, like what happened when 'the comming ice age' alarmism went out of fashion.

Fake but it's over now

the leaked report makes the extraordinary concession that the world has been warming at only just over half the rate claimed by the IPCC in its last assessment, published in 2007.

Back then, it said that the planet was warming at a rate of 0.2C every decade – a figure it claimed was in line with the forecasts made by computer climate models.

But the new report says the true figure since 1951 has been only 0.12C per decade – a rate far below even the lowest computer prediction.

First I would like to see a link where climatologists say we are heading into global cooling. Arctic sea ice is low for this summer and is expected to be the 6th lowest on record.

Antarctica although gaining in ice extent for the eastern section during winter, is still losing volume due to the western portion melting from below due to increase in ocean temps there. Overall ice volume is reducing yearly

GW will go until beyond 2100 There is no global cooling Don'y know where you DA deniers get this crap

No it is not fake or a hoax, it is a scientific theory that is not working out that well, our climate does respond to CO2 but obviously it is not so sensitive.

The 60% Arctic ice extent increase is not a big deal, as 2012 melt was a very big one, so we are not even back to average yet.

No one season's Arctic ice extent does not constitute a "trend" or dispell long-term observations (or climate).

Climate is the mean of seasonal events, e.g. winter is 'cold', yet if we have one hot day during winter does that mean winter isn't cold??

If the Arctic ice extent continues to grow for say another 5 years then further investigations would be required, if it extends to say 10 to 15 years then we may say a new 'trend' is occurring.

Yes it is! Not only that, it is a deadly and disastrous fake. It has made people like Al Gore and his ilk richer while millions of people are starving each year. It has been the stimulation for tyrannical laws which unduly burden mankind. It has been the cause of nations going bankrupt.

This isn't just an innocent prank, one where you jump out of the bushes and say, "BOO!" This is the reason for deaths and starvation.

Quotes by H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." And, "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it."

These are not nice people who foist this 'fake' upon the public.

The arctic ice sheets have grown by 60% compared to last years record low and the ice in Antarctica has also been expanding climatologists say we are headin into a global cooling and it will last at least into the middle of the century. Check it out yourselfs If you don't believe me. Could this be we are heading into a global cooling?

Use the word climate change.

Yep... it's FAKE.

The taxpayers have been had and Al Gore is rolling in millions.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Not now, I'm in the middle of a Billy Moment.

No, but you couldn't understand anyway