> It is now 2777 days since a cat 3 hurricane?

It is now 2777 days since a cat 3 hurricane?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
has hit the U.S. is this the proof of climate change causing extreme weather.

Record US Intense Hurricane Drought Continues

Al Gore certainly thinks it is. He blamed Sandy on AGW.

Quote by Steven Guilbeault, Canadian environemental journalist and Greenpeace member: "Global warming can mean colder, it can mean drier, it can mean wetter."

AGW is one of those things that you can blame anything on, if you are not a true scientist. Remember at the start of those days, the greenies were creaming their jeans, telling us that 'this was only the beginning' hurricanes were only going to get worse.

It makes you ask, when was the last time a greenie got something right?

Peggy: When did I get anything factually right? Al Gore did blame Sandy. That is a factually correct statement! It is apparent you do not know what factually correct means.

Peggy: < Superstorm Sandy was the second most costly storm to ever strike the U.S. It cost about $75 billion dollars and killed 147.>

Apparently you don't know the difference between CAT 3 or other hurricanes. Sandy was a CAT 1 and was downgraded to a tropical storm ten minutes after it hit the coastline. Yes, it did do a lot of damage and cost a lot of lives. But that was a tropical storm, not a hurricane. Also, it had to do more with the population and location than the intensity of the storm. Now go back to your studies and see the difference between the intensity of a storm and the dollar and life damage. Just because a storm creates a lot of dollar damage, does not make it worse than Katrina. All true scientists know the difference.

Peggy you are right (for once), there were several reports. I gave you the benefit of the doubt by taking the hurricane hitting the coastline. Matters not to the logic, the damage was done by a tropical storm. You just substantiated my argument.

Peggy, if you know so much more than I do, how come you didn't understand that Kano's question specifically stated CAT 3, then you answer with a tropical storm. Ha! Ha! I wish I could buy you fo what your worth and sell you for what you think your worth. Ha! Ha! I'd make millions. I may not know much about hurricanes, but I do know the difference between a CAT 3 and a tropical storm.

Then there is good old PRICO: That ain't all you fail to understand. Basic science is one of them. Your failure to understand shows that you are logically handicapped. And you are fun to watch. Where have you been? Ha! Ha! Probably out kissing up to Prof Richard Parncutt, who outright states that he is for killing a certain group of people because of their beliefs, “I propose that the death penalty is appropriate for influential GW deniers.” What have you two been doing? I am an influential GW denier. You two been cooking up something nasty? How can you support a fellow like that?

Apparently there was one in 2011 which is way less than 2777 days

Irene 2011

New Jersey

North Carolina










Honestly all you need is to realize the weather is warming the planet and this can be verified by studying real time temps. The projection regarding hurricanes, tornadoes etc is that the may indeed increase and increase in intensity throughout the world, not just US. This won't happen overnight It is gradual like the global temp increase

You can see from the list of landfall hurricanes striking the Us variation is all over the place.


If you are stating there is a definite trend in those statistics how about a graph of it?

PS: Irene was a category 3 hurricane that struck the coast in 2011. Though it fell to a category 1 hurricane by the time of striking the coast it was classified as a category 3 beforehand with wind speeds up to 120 knots.


You're emphasizing Saffir-Simpson category too much--that ignores much of what makes a storm strong. Superstorm Sandy was the second most costly storm to ever strike the U.S. It cost about $75 billion dollars and killed 147.

EDIT for Sagebrush: When was the last time you got ANYTHING right? I mean ANYTHING? I don't think I've ever seen you make a factually correct statement on any subject.

ANOTHER EDIT for Sagebrush: You said

"Apparently you don't know the difference between CAT 3 or other hurricanes. Sandy was a CAT 1 and was downgraded to a tropical storm ten minutes after it hit the coastline. Yes, it did do a lot of damage and cost a lot of lives. But that was a tropical storm, not a hurricane"

In fact, yes, I know a whole lot more about hurricanes than you do. The only thing the Saffir-Simpson categories are based on is sustained wind speed at some location in the storm. Because of that, you can have a HUGE and destructive storm with a low category number and a small and not very destructive storm with a high category number. Do you know what a "fetch" is? I'm guessing you don't. The fetch on Sandy was huge, which resulted in a very large and widespread storm surge, and THAT'S why it was so destructive.

Also, it was NOT downgraded to tropical storm status right after it made landfall--it was no longer considered a hurricane BEFORE it hit land, so it was not a tropical storm after it hit land. That was not because it had weakened, but because it was no longer considered to have tropical characteristics. Do you know what the difference is between a warm core and a cold core cyclone? I'm pretty sure that's another thing you don't know.

As I said earlier, Sagebrush, you never get ANYTHING right in your answers. You should probably stick to subjects that you actually know something about, and atmospheric science is NOT one of those areas.

However, it's not just you that's been advancing this idiotic argument, which flies in the face of the massive destruction that Sandy caused. Deniers have made this same ill-informed argument over and over. Saffir-Simpson category is one small piece of information about hurricanes, but deniers try to act like it's the only thing to judge a hurricane by. The category ignores the central pressure of storms, it ignores the rainfall rate and total rainfall, it ignores the storm surge, it ignores the speed of the storm, it ignores how many tornadoes the storm creates, it ignores the total energy of the storm, it ignores the SIZE of the storm. It's such a one-dimensional look at this massive atmospheric, but it's probably the ONLY thing about the storm that deniers are familiar with.

Storms are more severe during cooling periods.

James Hansen, an up-and-coming climate scientist with NASA in 1971, laid the groundwork with his computer model that showed that a new ice age was coming. Hard to believe? Today, he is the most famous of the global warmers ― sorry, “climate change” scientists. - http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppa...


If you understood even the basics of statistics and probability you would know that in in a random distribution of events there occur clusters of activity balanced by periods of inactivity. The only people impressed by your observation are morons like yourself

I don't know but I do know that you should ignore the moron comment.


has hit the U.S. is this the proof of climate change causing extreme weather.