> Can we change our future?

Can we change our future?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I would say the future is ordained by the present location of all molecules and energy. You reading your cards will have no effect on the future since it is a part of the present that leads inescapably to the future. Frankly, I think it is a waste of your time. If the cards truly did work, that is when you should be afraid. If the cards tell you no, ignore them and maybe you will have a yes if that is the future. I don't mean to say that the future is ordained so you might as well not do anything about it. Work hard and make the future you want. Don't rely too much on luck, cards, or others.

I occasionally use tarot cards and frequently use a pendulum (though I rely on my pendulum more).

I believe that you cannot change your future, although for example, say the cards say NO, perhaps by seeing NO as the result of your question to the cards, you react differently to how you were supposed to and as a result you have made the cards say NO.

Anyway, who knows if you can or cannot change your future, maybe you were supposed to change your future so that then becomes your future...?

Good luck anyway :)

Sorry but I don’t share your enthusiasm for card-reading, it’s nothing more than subjective validation, the same as fortune telling, astrology and other beliefs that exist solely within the mind of the believer.

When I saw your question “can we change our future” I got excited hoping it would be a question about the possibility/impossibility of time travel, but alas it wasn’t.

I would like to say that every thing is in human's control and if he show his willingness and motivation then he can change his destiny and future.

Whoa! WTF....That fortune teller crap business is all about the money to trick youngsters. Good luck

Ya we can change our future by our deeds

Hey guys! I am using tarot or other fortune telling cards to answer my questions... Sometimes answers are not what i would like to hear... I believe that cards can tell true just i do not understand if they are showing possibilities or direct true answer what our fate bring to us?? If cards tell f.x. NO, can we make things to change with our actions to YES????

Can we change shown on cards answers? How much we can trust cards?