> How change the world ?

How change the world ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
First, you have to learn the truth about the world.

Too many "forward thinking" people like yourself end up doing stupid crap that makes things worse. People like you tend to be so excited to do the right thing that they'll jump on bandwagons without researching them.

For example, hybrid cars. Hybrid cars are actually a lot WORSE for the environment than driving an old domestic truck. With all the new mining, refining, shipping and manufacturing required to build a hybrid car, you could drive an already existing '76 Chevy for DECADES before adding up to the same amount of environmental damage as a single newly constructed vehicle. Everything has to come from somewhere and every NEW thing has to be taken from the planet. "Green" products are a marketing gimmick that helps big CEOs buy fuel-guzzling yachts and too many morons buy "green" products thinking that they are saving the world. They are not.

There are also times that environmentalists make a fuss when none exists. For example, Gas-guzzling cars are going to go away without any effort or laws made against them. As gas gets harder to get, it gets more expensive. As gas gets more expensive, people will look for cheaper ways to get around and car and gas companies WILL invent something to sell to them.

Real efforts should be made in improving manufacturing efficiency to waste less material, improving recycling efficiency to be more cost effective, finding alternative resources, engineering new chemicals and materials that are cheaper with less environmental impact, finding ways to increase the longevity of existing products, and educating others on the topic. These are the real ways to improve the planet, not making laws or protesting or buying "green" products.

But the first step in saving the world is educating yourself. You have to know where things come from, how things are made, what news is real and what news is hype. You also have to understand that humans need stuff and for civilization to continue. The trick is not to end all the bad things, but to make things more efficient.

What exactly do you want to change? You might be able to get all the people in your village to recycle everything rather than to throw it out in the garbage. You could do this by starting a campaign with a couple of friends. Put up signs and speak to groups about this.

You can do a similar thing to end hunger by focusing on your community. Who are the ones who are going hungry? What food programs are there in place? Why are there still people who don't have enough to eat? Do several surveys. Talk to schools, churches, food banks to gather info. What about providing 2 meals a day at schools? Who would provide meals on weekends for the poorest children?

Who would be willing to donate food to cover these kids on weekends?

If you want to save animals that are going extinct, you have to identify the animals and what is being done to save them so far. Is it working? How can you help?

What about Global Warming? Can you think up ways to use solar or wind power to prevent using up all the world's resources and focus on renewable energy and cutting back on pollution?

There are a few things to think about and you can find other problems to work on.

READ !!! Then pass on the information. FYI

If we water our lawn today that same water will take about 2000 years to come back into the water table so we can drink it! scary>>>

We love hamburgers BUTT cows put out more pollution from farts than vehicles>> True really

Glass thrown out not recycled will never decompose>>>That's a problem

Two thirds of all aluminum EVER produced is still in use today>>> That is recycling

We have to change the focus of society from wealth to well being. We don't have the resources to make everybody billionaires, but we can make a happy society if we try.

if you extract all the gold from seawater using this new technology,

you would have enough money to change the world however you want


I'm the time of person who LOVES the earth and will do anything to save the world. I want to start of little by little and go up from there and spread the word to people. So how can I change the world ? What do I do ? And how to start ? Please Help ! Thanks .